Mumbai 20th February, 2017 Bhatkotri Limestone Mine of Wonder Cement Limited is awarded FIVE STAR for Exemplary Performance in Implementation of Sustainable Development Framework during 2015-16 under the Star Rating System. The award was received by Mahendra Kumar Bokadia, Asst. Vice President ( Mines) on behalf of Wonder Cement Ltd. from the Union Minister of State (IC) for Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy and Mines, Piyush Goyal in the 2nd National Mining Conclave on Mines & Minerals which was organized in Delhi.
The conclave carries forward the successful partnership between all stakeholders to expand mining sector and address the issues, challenges and bring new opportunities in the sector. The conclave also provided an opportunity of presenting the recent initiatives taken by the Central Government, State Governments & the industry.
The conclave had four technical sessions for interaction on key issues, viz. auctions, explorations, initiatives of the ministry and sharing best practices. The awards for ‘5 Star’ rating to the best performing mines was given and the TAMRA portal & Mobile App. was launched by the Minister of State (IC) for Mines, Power, Coal and New & Renewable Energy in the Conclave.
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi addressed the UN General Assembly, addressing about 150 world leaders at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on 26 Sep, 2015 said “The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities is the bedrock of our enterprise for a sustainable world.”
Taking the vision of PM forward, the Ministry of Mines, in its endeavor for taking up exhaustive and universal implementation of the Sustainable Development Framework (SDF) in mining, has evolved a system of Star Rating of Mines.
The Online Star Rating portal was launched on 18 August, 2016. A total of 758 mines of major minerals which were operational for more than 6 months in 2015-16 are eligible for star rating. Most star ratings have been filed online, and IBM has also completed the inspections and awarded star rating in 560 mines. The star rating wise break up is as under –
Star Rating
No. of Mines as online returns
No. of Mines Validated by IBM
About Wonder Cement:
Wonder Cement is a part of the RK Group, which has the distinction of being one of the leading names in the marble industry. The cement plant, located in Nimbahera, District Chittorgarh, in Rajasthan, has a capacity to produce 6.75 Million Tons per year. The cement produced from this plant, which has been set up with highly advanced technology, is at par with international standards.