Manasi Joshi Roy Comes Back After A Decade

1. We are seeing you back in front of the screen after a decade.  How does it feel?
I was really nervous & apprehensive on the first day of my shoot but by the end of the day it felt like home again. And I didn't feel like I was back on television after nearly a decade.
2. Was it a conscious decision to not face the camera?
I'm making a comeback after ten years which is happening by default.  I hadn't thought that I would take a 10 year break from facing the screen.  I was however working behind the scenes as my husband and I started a production house in 2006 and we were producing a lot of nonfiction shows and movies together.  Even though the break happened by default I am glad it happened as I was able to give time to my daughter Kiara and also be a full time mother.
3. So you have been multitasking - how is it handling a home, bringing up a child and yet having a career.  
it's all very easy if you have a good support system & I'm blessed in that aspect. My mother in law takes care of home & hearth plus my daughter while I'm away. My husband, Rohit has always been the wind beneath my wings & I couldn't do this without his support in every way ! I have very good staff who've been with me for years. And I have a fantastic family ... my mother, my sisters in law ... everyone is always there if I need their help.
I think woman multi task very efficiently & it's possible to handle home & work both if you really want to...
4. Why Dhhai Kilo Prem?  What prompted you to take up the show?
What prompted me to take up the show was all three factors - the producer, the channel and the story.  Most importantly the story because when I heard the story, I really thought it was different from the regular stuff we see these days on tv.  Sandiip Sikcand who is the producer is also a very dear friend and when he had me hear the story he told me he had written the role with me in mind and he absolutely did not want to take anyone else but me.  His passion and conviction convinced me that perhaps this is the right role for me to make my comeback with.  The channel, Star Plus - its played an important role in my life.  My very first show on tv was on Star Movies called Bol Bollywood.  Subsequently when I began my career as an actor, my very first show called Gatha which was directed by Mr. Ramesh Sippy was also on Star Plus.  So Star has played an important role in my television career.  And hence it was a combination of everything that made me say yes to the show.
5. Its also a coming back to Balaji.  How does it feel?
Yeah its coincidental that my second comeback is also with Balaji. After I gave birth to Kiara, I took a break for 2.5 years & returned with Kkusum & now again after a 10 year break I'm returning with DKP. And it's good to be associated with one of the best companies on television today.
6. Has television changed in the time you have been away?  How was the first shot after so many years?
Its changed and its also not changed!  If you see the dailies - the show are still pretty much similar because that's what works in our country.  Attempts have been made to make different content but it will take time to see drastic changes.
7. You are an avid writer and love blogging.  Tell us about what inspires you to write...
I used to keep a diary when I was a teenager & I've always liked reading so writing was a natural extension of that ... blogs are a great way to express your opinions. My blog is called This, That & the Other. So as the name suggests it's about whatever catches my attention... it can be about a current topic or travel or just musings.
8. We hear that you also love traveling.  Any destination which is still on the list to travel to in the coming year?
I love travelling ! And I want to see the world :)) So there's lots of places on the list !!! I'm off to Spain next week & then going for a cruise to the south of France. Greece in June & in December perhaps the Northern Lights.
Machu Pichu & the Alaskan cruise are 2 things I'm eager to do. The list is never ending.

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