Concept Note:
Sofia Ashraf’s rap might draw crowds to the stage, but her milkshake brings nobody to the yard, and she’s cool with it. “I Can’t Do Sexy” is a hilariously self-deprecating song where she wholeheartedly and flat-chestedly accepts that she can do a lot of things, but “doing sexy” is not one on that list.
Sofia Ashraf has been labeled many things over the years – raptivist, feminist, fundamentalist, and narcissist. You may recognize her from the video “Kodaikanal Won’t” her claim to internet fame. She has also rapped for the likes of A.R. Rahman. Her penchant for comedy and writing led her to Culture Machine’s office. With tongue-in- cheek sense of humor, an unapologetic voice and engaging content for South Indians, ‘Sister from the South’ series feature music videos, spoken words, short films and sketch comedies for all the saucy Blush women out there!
"I was at a girl's night out recently and the whole lot of us decided to take sexy selfies. After around 50 failed attempts, we went "I can't do sexy" and just took a goofy selfie. This song is an anthem for girls like me who just can't be sexy no matter how hard we try. It's about laughing at ourselves and owning our unsexiness." Says Sofia Ashraf.