10th January, Pune : After attaining stupendous success in its first National Teacher’s Congress (NTC) in 2016, the MIT School of Government launched its second edition today; it will be a three days summit starting from Jan 10, 2018 till 12 Jan, 2018 at the Prof Dr Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University (MIT WPU) campus, Kothrud, Pune.
His holiness Dalai Lama was the chief guest of honour at the 2nd ‘National Teachers Congress’, a teacher megascopic, first and only of its kind in the nation, at MIT Pune. National Teachers’ Congress (NTC) is organized by MAEERs MIT world Peace University and MIT School of Government and is supported by Government of Maharashtra, AICTE, Association of Indian University, Bhartiya Chhatra Sansad, Union Ministry of HRD with All India Council for Technical Education, UNESCO chair for Human Rights among others.
The 2nd NTC was attended by Mayor of Pune Smt. Mukta Tilak, President of National Teachers’ Congress & Eminent Scientist Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Dr. Nandkumar Nikam, Former President Maharashtra State Federation Prof. Rahul Vishwanath Karad, Executive President of MIT world Peace University, Vishwanath D. Karad, Founder President of MIT World Peace University among others on the dais.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama said “21st century should be the century of dialogue and human beings must have to think about humanity at global level. For building a better world, one needs to think about oneness of human beings.”
He also added “It’s only dialogue which creates new ideas and peace in the world. Education should include a mix of positive emotions and the way to tackle emotions. India is the only country in the world which can combine modern education, technology, ancient education and emotions. There are many differences in all religions but all religions spread the same message that is message of Love, Tolerance and Affection. Today education has to speak about inner value, truth, honesty and self confidence rather than money and fame.”
Speaking about the second edition of the NTC, Mr. Rahul Karad, Founder and Convener said, “It is the first time in global academic history, all interdisciplinary faculties have come together on one platform at NTC. We today have achieved a benchmark by getting together the dignitaries and teachers from India and abroad to one common platform. Teachers from 22 states in India and 100 teachers from global universities are a part of this event today”.
Anil Kakodkar advised the teachers to create their own identity by good work and ignore what people say. “Just be honest with your duty and be hero of your student,” he told the gathered teachers.
“We are living in knowledge era where technology changes very quickly and only teacher can understand it thoroughly and teacher can gave right path to pass this hurdle’, he added.
Prof Dr Vishwanath D Karad, in his address, asked the teachers to identify their purpose in life as a teacher. He recalled Swami Vivekananda’s definition of education as “Education is manifestation of perfection already in man.”
The three-day conference is aimed to bring in teachers and principals from across the country, from urban and rural areas to interact with the policy makers, so that it can revolutionize the education system, he added.
The inaugural day witnessed one thought provoking session viz Globalization of Indian Higher Education – Drawing the roadmap. Eminent speakers including Shri Jay Gore of Reily University Chair Professor of Engineering at Purdue University, Shri Ryan Pereira, Dr Makarand Hastak, Head of Construction Engineering and Management at Purdue University and Prof Raghunath Shevgaonkar, former Vice Chancellor of Pune University. In his address, Shri Shevgaonkar said there is a need to instill diligence while teaching students. Other speakers too exhorted the need for a holistic education even as reaffirming the fact that Indian Higher education system has immense scope to go global if the private institutions are given autonomy.
On this occasion, MIT Times, a weekly newsletter was being launched which will be published fortnightly by the students of MIT. Also Jeevan Gaurav Puraskar was conferred upon Dr. Kasturi Chopra, Former director, IIT & founder of its thin film laboratory, Dr. Arun Nigavekar, Former Vice Chancellor, University of Pune, Prof. S.C. Sahasrabudhe, Former deputy director, IIT Bombay and Dr. Sanjay Dhande, Former director, IIT Kanpur.