Roadies, as we all know, is a cult reality show and has given us travel goals ever since its inception. The longest running adventure reality show has explored hidden gems in India like never before and will make you travel to these enchanting locales. This time around, Roadies is going to be more extreme than ever as contestants travel to the glorious and unexplored town of Ziro in Arunachal Pradesh. Let’s have a look at 5 Indian destinations explored by Roadies like never before:
Roadies Season 14- Alwar
Roadies contestants battled it out in Alwar Rajasthan in the fourteenth season. The battle for survival got intense in the fourteenth season, or Roadies Rising, as they called it. The contestants visited battlegrounds across the country where epic battles were fought and rewrote history.
Roadies Season 11- Mehsana
Roadies Season 11 saw the contestants fighting it out against each other in a location, that is a rather a hidden gem. Mehsana in Gujarat was unexpectedly pleasant with its spacious locales and the rough and raw appeal.
Roadies Season 4- Gangtok
Roadies Season 4 contestants faced the sun, snow, rain, physical and mental stress, while complex challenges were thrown at them from every direction. Roadies traveled the final 100 km of their journey to the beautiful Gangtok with Bani and Anthony fighting it out for the coveted title.
Roadies Season 10- Tawang
Roadies Season 10 was packed with excitement, drama, battles and determination! Roadies brought on intense levels of aggression as they explored North East India like never before and traveled to Tawang.
Roadies Season 2- Wagah
Roadies Season 2 was all about 7 bikers riding from Kolkata to Wagah and making it a journey worth remembering. The roller coaster voyage full of ecstasy, agony, sorrow and love culminated in Wagah with Ayushman Khurana winning the show.