Zee Studios International, one of the leading players in taking Indian Cinema beyond borders, has created a special place for themselves in 2017 with acclaimed Hindi films like Hindi Medium, Mom, Secret Superstar, Fukrey Returns, Bareilly Ki Barfi, and various regional successes like Faster Fene and Channa Mereya. With an extraordinary slate in 2018 as well, including Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam and other regional language films, they are now ensuring to mark another power packed year with their!
Announcing their exciting slate, the films they have in the pipeline are Parmanu, based on the nuclear bomb test explosions conducted by the Indian Army at Pokhran in 1998. Majid Majidi’s ‘Beyond the Clouds’, a movie that dwells on the adoration of love, life and nuanced human relationships Akshay Kumar’s ‘GOLD’. Karan Johar’s ‘Dhadak’ and Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Manikarnika’, a biographical film about the life of Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi and highly awaited Marathi filmYe Re Ye Re Paisa.
Commenting on Zee Studios International’s strong pipeline Vibha Chopra, Head - Zee Studios International (Film Marketing, Distribution and Acquisition) said, “We are moving in full force with an aim to spread good content from India as far and wide as possible. Understanding International markets and the type of films that appeal to them is imperative and it’s great to see the appreciation we have received from various audiences as well as producers. And this year, with an exciting slate of films, we plan to distribute them across markets, conventional and unconventional”
With every film that the studio has taken to overseas markets, they are setting new benchmarks for strategically distributing movies worldwide. They have successfully released their films in markets like U.K, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, UAE/GCC, Pakistan and in unconventional markets like Russia, Turkey, Germany, Austria, Czech Malta, Hungary, Maldives Taiwan, Hong Kong and China to name a few.