IIHMR Delhi Conducts Training in Hospital Management for Bhutan’s National Referral Hospital Professionals

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·       The Institute has trained close to 100 professionals in four batches from Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital, Bhutan on Hospital Management
New Delhi, December 29: The International Institute of Health Management Research, Delhi, has added yet another feather to its cap. The Institute which has been providing training in Health&Hospital Management and Healthcare IT to professionals from several national and international organizations. It has conducted training for professionals from Jigme Dorji Wang chuck National Referral Hospital, Bhutan.
The week-long training included day to day hospital management issues such as quality assurance, team building and leadership, equipment, supplies and bio medical waste management, emergency preparedness,disasters management, digitization of functioning/services, optimumutilisation of resourcesandcost containment.
The training was imparted by IIHMR’s own faculty and by resourcepersons fromIIHMR University Jaipur, AIIMS, NIHFW, WHP, ESIC. Case studies, group work, presentations, discussions and field visits to Corporate Hospitals were incorporated in the training. An interesting debate on Medical vs. Non- Medical Administrators was also organized. 
As Health services in Bhutan are in the process of digitalization, IT professionals from WHP and ESIC sharedwith trainees, their experiencesof introduction and transition to digitalization.
In their feedback, the participants said, “The course was well-planned and relevant to the day to day operations of their hospital.” They appreciated the knowledge and expertise of teaching faculty and their own experience during field visits as it provided them an opportunity to  seethe functioning of a computerized Information System in Registration, Inpatient areas and Support Services.
Participants were given a pre-andpost-test. The post training test showed remarkable improvement in the participants’knowledge and skills.  The training was made interesting with excursion trips to Jaipur and Agra and a networking dinner whereparticipantsgot an opportunity to interact informally withthe faculty and resource persons.
In addition to training participants of the Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital on Hospital Management, IIHMR, Delhi, has in the recent months,alsoorganized a Workshop with officials from Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences, Bhutan to develop an Induction Training Programme for newly recruited Medical Officers of Bhutan.
Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, Director, IIHMR Delhi, said, “IIHMR Delhi is dedicated to improving the standards of healthcare through better management of healthcare. With their new training incritical aspects of healthcare management and healthcare IT, I’m sure the participants from Bhutan will contribute better in making their hospitals better runand sensitive to patient’s needs.”
It is worth mentioning that IIHMR, Delhi has been conducting training for professionals from agencies like Government of National Capital Territory, Delhi, World Health Organization- SEARO, ESIC, Indian Railways, Urban Health Initiative, United Nations Development Programme, IL&FS Education & Technology Services Limited, various Corporate hospitals, Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project- Bangladesh, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare –Bangladesh, Ministry of Public Health, Afghanistan, Rokyan Management Consultancy- Afghanistan Ministry of Health-Sri Lanka, Ministry of Health and Welfare- Myanmar.

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