Amateur Radio August Special Event Calendar

This is a sampling of amateur radio Special Event Stations on the air in August, 2018. QSL and contact information, as well as frequency usage is included. QSLs are available to amateur radio operators and shortwave listener's. Good luck in your Special Event QSL quest.

All times UTC

August 2-4
US Coast Guard 228th Birthday
1400-0400, K1CG, Port Angeles, WA. Coast Guard CW Operators Association. 21.052 14.052 7.052 3.552. QSL. See website for, QSL, information.

August 2-5
Hamfesters Radio Club 85th Anniversary
0000-2359, W9AA, Midlothian, IL. Hamfesters Radio Club. 28.410 14.310 7.210 3.810. Certificate. Jim Riley, 12121 W. Venetian Way, Orland Park, IL 60467. Request certificates for download at above email address. or

August 4-5
US Coast Guard 228th Anniversary
1400-0400, W5CGC, Southlake, TX. USCG Amateur Radio Club. 21.327 18.127 14.327 7.227. QSL. W5CGC, 4553 N. White Chapel Blvd., Southlake, TX 76092. Club members will operate from their home QTH from different states. Contact with any one station qualifies for a QSL. Please QSL via Callbook address. SASE appreciated.

August 4
Salem Maritime Festival
1500-2300, N1S, Wilmington, MA. POTA*413. 14.300 14.074 14.044 7.200. QSL. KC1DKY / N1S, 199 Taft Road, Wilmington, MA 01887. Salem Maritime NHS is celebrating their 30th annual Festival. The parks on the air team will again transmit from the site with a special 1x1 call sign this year. We will run SSB, voice, and FT8 as part of our public demonstrations during the event. Credit for WWFF, KFF, and 2018 Grid Chase will be available. Send $1US + SASE for domestic QSL $3US + SASE for international

August 9-19
Worked All Capitals
1600-0000, K9S, Springfield, IL. Sangamon Valley and Lewis and Clark Amateur Radio Clubs, and Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club. 15 20 and 40 meters. Certificate & QSL. Worked All Capitals - SVRC, Box 9162, Springfield, IL 62791. Other stations: K9K, W9I, and W9V. Commemorating the three communities that have served as Capital Cities for the state of Illinois. SASE for QSL. Work all four stations and receive a certificate. Work this event and received 5 bonus points toward the IL200 QSO Party., or

Radio Telescopes via wikipedia
August 10-12
DSES Annual Radio Telescope / Astronomy Open House
1800-2300, K0PRT, Haswell, CO. Deep Space Exploration Society. 14.253 7.238 146.460. QSL. Deep Space Exploration Society, 4164 Austin Bluffs Parkway #562, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. DSES is restoring a 60-foot dish antenna for radio astronomy in southeast Colorado. Our annual open house is for sharing radio and astronomy with our local communities, and takes place during the Perseid Meteor Shower. We may operate additional bands if those are open.

August 11
USS Midway Museum Ship Special Event: US Coast Guard Birthday
1600-2300, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway (CV-41) Museum Ship. 14.320 7.250; 14.070 (PSK31); D-STAR on REF001C. QSL. USS Midway (CV-41) COMEDTRA, 901 N Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101.

August 11-12
CCC On-The-Air
1400-2100, KG8JK, Petoskey, MI. Dirk Esterline. 21.250 14.250 7.250 3.950. QSL. Dirk Esterline, 3106 Greenfield Dr., Petoskey, MI 49770. The fifth annual Civilian Conservation Corps On-The-Air weekend will be held the second full weekend in August, 2018. The event will start Saturday at 14:00z (10:00am EDT) and run until Sunday 21:00z (5:00 pm EDT). The Civilian Conservation Corps came into being in the spring of 1933. Its goal was twofold: to provide needed economic relief to families suffering from the effects of the Great Depression and to protect and develop the natural resources of the United States. As radio played a big part in how the camps communicated with each other, we want to honor the contribution that "The Boys" of the corps made to our country by putting the sites of the CCC camps back on the air. We would encourage you to activate the actual location of one of the camps however, if it is no longer accessible or you cannot get permission to set up on the site, you may operate from one of the project sites the camp worked on. Many state and local parks have buildings that were constructed by the "CCC Boys" and would make a suitable place to not only honor them but also promote amateur radio at the same time. For more information see our website or contact KG8JK via email:

August 11-25
Meadowcroft Rockshelter
0000-0000, W3M, Cecil, PA. Washington Amateur Communications. 28.480 14.330 7.226 3.900. QSL. Wiley Dawson, 139 Blanche Ave., Benwood, WV 26031. Meadowcroft Rockshelter, the oldest site of human habitation in North America, provides a unique glimpse into the lives of prehistoric hunters and gathers. This National Historic Landmark, located in Avella, Washington County, PA, features a massive rock overhang used 16,000 years ago for shelter by the first people in North America. 

August 18
243rd Anniversary of Presidio Real de San Agustin del Tucson
1600-2300, K7T, Tucson, AZ. Oro Valley Amateur Radio Club. CW: 7.040, 14.040 PSK: 7.070, 14.070 FT-8: 7.074, 14.074 USB: 7.200, 14.250. Certificate. Email, to, , . Email requests only. No paper QSLs, please. 

Snow Goose/ C&E Museum
August 18
60th Anniversary of the Blimp "Snow Goose"
0900-1500, W1NAS, South Weymouth, MA. Shea Naval Aviation Museum. 14.250 7.250. QSL. Steve Cohn, W1OD, 10 Hemlock Terrace, Randolph, MA 02368. This is the 60th anniversary of the Blimp "Snowgoose" flight from NAS South Weymouth, MA, to Resolute Bay on the Arctic Circle, while the USS Nautilus submarine sailed below the blimp and under the ice cap, maintaining communications throughout the voyage. The Tri-City ARC will also be operating as N1S from the pier of the Nautilus in Groton, CT in conjunction with W1NAS. Frequencies may vary depending on band conditions. QSL via W1OD w/SASE please. 

August 18
Lynchburg Covered Bridge Day
1200-1600, W8N, Lynchburg, OH. Highland Amateur Radio Association. 14.285 7.235. QSL. Highland ARA, John Levo, W8KIW, 21 Highland Dr., Hillsboro, OH 45133. The only covered bridge joining two Ohio counties.

August 25-26
End of the Oregon Trail 175th Anniversary
1400-2359, KD7ZDO, Oregon City, OR. Clackamas County Amateur Radio Emergency Services. 21.090 14.245 7.245 3.845. QSL. David Kidd, CARES Special Event Station, P.O. Box 1912, Oregon City, OR 97045. 

Battle of Chancellorsville Reenactment/wikipedia
August 26-27
34th Annual Civil War Enactment
1400-2200, N8A, Jackson, MI. Cascades Amateur Radio Society. 14.295 14.045 7.225 7.045. Certificate. W8JXN, P.O. Box 512, Jackson, MI 49204. 

August 26
Hollenberg Pony Express Festival, 157th Anniversary of the Pony Express
1430-2100, K0ASA, Hanover, KS. Crown Amateur Radio Association. 14.285 14.045 7.045 3.545. Certificate & QSL. Crown Amateur Radio Association, 11551 W 176th Ter, Overland Park, KS 66221. K0ASA will be located on the grounds of the Hollenberg historic site, configured as a Telegraph Office for festival visitors to enjoy. This is the only Pony Express station in the nation that has been preserved and left on its original foundation. 

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