Shri K.Kodanda Rao, Library Attendant , All India Radio, Visakhapatnam retired on attaining the age of superannuation.
Shri Kodanda Rao's Date of birth is 20.09.1957. He initially joined in All India Radio as Peon on 01.08.1985. He got the promotion as Daftry on 01.01.1993 and he also got the promotion of Library Attendant on 17.05.1995. He has almost served 35 years to the organization. He is hard worker and worked in every place with dedication utmost satisfaction to the his superiors.
He is very calm and nice gentleman. He maintain cordial relations with all the staff members. All the officers and officials of AIR, Visakhapatnam is wishing him a very happy, healthy & prosperous RETIRED LIFE.
Contributed By:Shri D.R. Prasad,Deputy Director General (Engg.),All India Radio,Siripuram,
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