The Baadshah of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan will inaugurate 3 Kalyan Jewellers’ showrooms in the UAE, Qatar and Kuwait in a whirlwind dash across the 3 countries. In a message to his fans as he was flying out of India, the Bollywood megastar greeted all his fans and invited them to come to meet him at the inauguration of the brand new Kalyan Jewellers’ showroom. King Khan who has a massive fan following in the Middle East is all set to leave his fans over the moon as he hops across the three countries!
His hectic travel agenda begins with the inauguration of the Kalyan Jewellers showroom in Meena Bazaar, Dubai at 2:30 pm. He will then fly to Kuwait, where he’ll cut the ribbon at the new Kalyan Jewellers new showroom at 5:30 pm. The last leg of his travel will be from Kuwait to Doha, Qatar where he will inaugurate the Kalyan Jewellers showroom at 9 PM. Check out this video from the megastar himself!
Check out special video messages from Shah Rukh Khan for his fans:
Link – Video 2: SRK on a whirlwind tour to the Middle East