(This post is part of the A to Z Challenge. I am writing this month on activities that keep me refreshed during these depressing days. It's Day 11 today.)
One big leveller in the modern age was technology. There is now one more: novel coronavirus-caused COVID-19. Making no discrimination, it has scared everyone and driven them all indoors.
However, its effect on the haves and the have-nots isn't the same. People who depend on their daily wages and those who don't have a permanent job are among the hardest-hit. Apart from them, elders and the sick are also badly affected. The least we can all do is to reach out them in whatever way possible to mitigate their suffering.
In our apartment complex, the resident association has formed two groups of volunteers. One, to help out the senior citizens amongst us who might need some essentials, like medicines or food items. The other group gathers funds to ease the financial burden of the housekeeping staff and domestic help, who would be finding it difficult to make ends meet.
Though we often tend to have a very cynical view of the world around us, the fact is that in this time of crisis, there are many others too -- as individuals and organisations -- reaching out to people who are in need of help. In many cities, including Bengaluru and Thiruvananthapuram, the police are providing food to the homeless on the streets and for the people who have been forcibly confined to shelters.
As the famous quote of Aesop goes: "The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."

However, its effect on the haves and the have-nots isn't the same. People who depend on their daily wages and those who don't have a permanent job are among the hardest-hit. Apart from them, elders and the sick are also badly affected. The least we can all do is to reach out them in whatever way possible to mitigate their suffering.
In our apartment complex, the resident association has formed two groups of volunteers. One, to help out the senior citizens amongst us who might need some essentials, like medicines or food items. The other group gathers funds to ease the financial burden of the housekeeping staff and domestic help, who would be finding it difficult to make ends meet.
Though we often tend to have a very cynical view of the world around us, the fact is that in this time of crisis, there are many others too -- as individuals and organisations -- reaching out to people who are in need of help. In many cities, including Bengaluru and Thiruvananthapuram, the police are providing food to the homeless on the streets and for the people who have been forcibly confined to shelters.
As the famous quote of Aesop goes: "The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."