Sony SABs second longest running show Chidiyaghar has seen the maximum number of dance sequences till date. Mayuri (Shafaq Naaz) who is the dancing queen of Chidyaghar has been dancing her way all through the show and so are the other members in the family.
The show which completes 5 years this November has seen many spellbinding performances. From the graceful performance for a dance competition to dancing as Arabs in the show, from flirting on Kishore Kumar’s hit songs to DDLJ songs the members of Chidiyaghar have never failed to impress.
Shafaq Naaz says, “We have danced on almost all songs from 90’s to the latest tracks. The best thing about Chidiyaghar is we are always entertaining our audiences with our performances. We have approximately danced on 500 songs till date in the span of 5 years. Almost for every episode we shoot minimum two dance sequences. I love dancing as it’s a great stress buster and what a fun when you can dance and work at the same time.”
To dance along with the chidiyaghar cast, stay tune to Chidiyaghar, Monday toFriday, 9.30pm only on Sony SAB!