To make this Mother’s Day even more special, Romedy NOW conducted a unique social experiment to help teenagers and young adults develop a deeper bond of friendship with their mothers. The experiment ‘#ConfessionsOFAMom’ had mothers confessing their secrets such as like ‘I had my first drink when I was 14’, ‘I was once suspended from college for excessive ragging’, ‘I broke your sister’s watch and let you take the blame’ etc. on camera. We then took their confessions and created a Gallery of Confessions. We invited their children inside the gallery and asked them to guess which confession belongs to their mother, while the mothers watched their children’s reaction on camera. The idea behind this experiment was that when we discover secrets about our mother, we start seeing her in a new light, and that leads to the beginning of a truly honest and beautiful friendship.
Celebrate this Mother’s Day with Romedy NOW with some light-hearted romcoms and a heart-tugging, fun experiment, and make it a day to remember always!