Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Between The Oil Technologists’ Association of India – West Zone (OTAI - WZ) And Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC)

Mumbai, 13th September 2017 – In conjunction with the visit to India of the Hon. Minister Plantation Industries and Commodities of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong, MPOC and OTAI WZ signed a MoU to further the cooperation between the two organisations to institute and continue to expand co-operation in areas of mutual interest to broadly promote the development and use of Malaysian palm oil and MSPO certified palm oil as a valuable commodity which advances the interests of its producers, processors, users and consumers through product and market development support and activities when and where the interests of the two organizations are amenable through joint efforts.
Malaysian Palm Oil Council of Malaysia (MPOC), having its registered office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is desirous of collaborating with relevant trade organizations in India to promote and create opportunities for the greater acceptance of Malaysian palm oil among Indian consumers, food manufacturers and other end users. MPOC similarly desires to create greater awareness of Malaysian palm oil benchmarked through the Malaysian Sustainability Palm Oil (MSPO) certification standards whose objectives include demonstration of sustainability practices within the Malaysian palm oil industry and accompanying quality related assurances as prescribed through MSPO.
OTAI-WZ is part of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (OTAI) a pioneer International Association in the field of Oils and allied products. The main objectives of the association is to promote the cause of an all-round, rational and economic development in the country of the oilseeds, oils and fats, (edible / inedible), and derived industries, such as soaps and surface coatings, and of such related areas as synthetic detergents, lubricants, fuels, oleo chemicals, toiletries, cosmetics and allied products, to encourage research, development, education and training in the above areas. The Association functions through its five zones viz. Central, Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern.
The MoU covers the following areas of cooperation between MPOC and OTAI WZ:
1.     Jointly help educate Indian consumers on the nutritional and health benefits of palm oil and improve overall understanding of palm oil and its applications while elucidating its numerous strengths and benefits.
2.    Jointly promote Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) by enhancing   trade opportunities in the market place, by identifying, sharing and highlighting the latest opportunities through MSPO for Malaysian palm oil in the India.
3.    Upholding the good name of Malaysian palm oil among consumers and various end users by helping to close the gap between the issues of perception, allegations and the realities of palm oil.
4.    Familiarising the Indian palm oil processing sector with latest technical developments taking place in the Malaysian palm oil industry and through its research bodies.
5.    Exchange palm and edible oils and fats related business, technical, policy and administrative information, data and materials and undertake collaborative activities that are beneficial to both parties.
6.    Jointly identify various research topics which will validate nutritional benefits of  palm oil and benefits of using palm oil and its derivatives as renewable, environment friendly and non toxic source to manufacture various bio based surfactants, lubricants, fuels, polymers etc.
7.    Jointly create an expert panel to assist development of  India’s palm oil industry through the provision of information and expertise on latest technology applications and adoptions in both upstream and downstream activities
India and Malaysia have long established historical and cultural ties, which have now developed into excellent diplomatic and trade relations. Economic and commercial relations are the mainstay of the bilateral relationship between Malaysia and India.  Palm oil products are the corner stone of the trade relations between the two countries. Indian industrialists have made significant contributions to the development of the Malaysian palm oil industry, particularly in the palm oil refining sector. Groups such as Tata and Birla, pioneered in establishing palm oil refineries in Malaysia way back in the 1970s and 1980s. 
The Council  has set up a network of ten offices all over the world mainly in China (Shanghai), India (Mumbai), Pakistan (Lahore), Bangladesh (Dhaka), Middle East (Istanbul and Cairo), Europe (Brussels and Russia), Africa (Durban) and Americas (Washington DC)  to support, promote and venture into new areas for the industry.
The plantation industry, particularly palm oil, is one of the main pillars of the economy.  The palm oil sector has contributed significantly towards providing a continuous inflow of export earnings through the export of raw commodity and valued-added products to the global market. In 2016, palm oil contributed USD 9 billion in export earnings and accounted for 33% of the world’s palm oil production and 39% of total palm oil exports.
The country today enjoys its economic prosperity and development through a strong foundation set by the industry and contribution in terms of export earnings and employment. It has long put into place guidelines, research, industrial and environmental standards that provide a safe, high quality Trans-free oil in a manner that supports the local economy, preserves the environmental resource base and is economically viable. Practices are constantly reviewed to ensure that best agricultural and management practices evolve in line with new research findings and international standards.

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