Description: C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\IMG_0027 (2).jpgThe highlights and behind the scenes of Tahir Raj Bhasin from the upcoming VOOT Original  TIMEOUT  shoot. Hoping to know if you want to build a story on the below incidents.

Tahir Bhasin took personal sessions with couple’s to get into the role
·         In order to get the dilema of his character Rahul, Tahir met with 2 groups of acquaintances - one who had  just broken up and divorced, another who had just got married or started dating. To the first group he asked what they hated about their partner to the second what they loved about them, his role was influenced by real life stories
Working for web series is tough: Tahir Bhasin
·         20 Day shoot felt like working for 2 feature films in the span of only 30 Days
Yes, it got awkward during the make-out scene: Tahir Bhasin
·         Tahir thinks it is harder to do an intimate scene and then switch to a quarrel scene. This comes after the actor plays for a romedy series which is an antithesis of his previous villainous roles
To keep Tahir motivated on his shirtless scene, the entire 40 crew members shot the scene shirtless
·         Solidarity : There is a shot where Tahir’s lying on a bar counter without a shirt. There were 40 crew members in the room. And there was a brief moment when Tahir felt weird about it. But in order to give his  best without feeling in the spot light ,in solidarity, the crew decided that everyone for that one shot will have no shirt on. It was a great bond we created that day .           
This is how Danish lured Sarah and Tahir to rehearse:
·         Danish Aslam wanted to have the whole series rehearsed like a play so Tahir and Sarah record table reads for 3 weeks with every character from the ensemble for every episode before day of going on floor. To get Sarah and Tahir to do this, Danish bribed them with great coffee he made himself at home and it was the same coffee machine that was carried to set

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