The very talented and beloved actor Param Singh, who is seen essaying the challenging role of ‘Rangeela’ in Life OK’s show Ghulaam has become audience’s favourite in no time. Though Param belongs from a well to do family he always believes in getting things on his merit.
Like any other guy with big dreams the handsome hunk moved to London to peruse his masters in finance and has deftly handled a lot of struggle there.
The charming actor recalls, "I wanted to study on my own earnings. It was really tough, but those three years turned me into a man. I washed dishes, mopped the floor at burger outlets, cleaned people's mess when they drank too much at night in pubs, lived with roommates who were perennially on drugs... basically went through the entire drill to learn that life is not a cakewalk."
Way to go Param!
Watch Param Singh as Rangeela in Life OK’s show Ghulaam every Mon-Fri at 9 PM