On 10th August, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. Broadcast Engineering Society (India), Pune Chapter organized seminar in conformance hall. Shri. Satish Padalkar (Asst. Engineer, AIR Kolhapur) was invited to deliver lecture on "Advantages of Cloud Computing". Shri. Ravindra Ranjekar (Asst. Engineer, AIR Pune) given welcome speech and introduced Shri. Padalkar. Shri. Ashish Bhatnagar (DDG Engineering and Head of Office, AIR Pune) felicitated Shri. Padalkar. Smt. Kalpana Gokhe (Asst. Director, DDK Pune) and Smt. Sangeeta Upadhye (Asst. Director, AIR Pune) were present on this occasion.
Shri. Padalkar explained Cloud Computing concept in simple language. He talked about history of cloud computing, characteristics and Service model. He explained the terms SaaS, PaaS and IaaS in detail. It was followed by interaction session in which staff of AIR Pune asked questions and Shri. Padalkar gave answers in detail. The function was ended with Vote of thanks. Response from engineering staff of AIR Pune and Doordarshan Pune was overwhelming. After lunch break there was knowledge sharing session. Shri. Pushpesh Kranti, EA. delivered lecture on various types of Transformers used in HPT AIR Pune followed by Power Point Presentation on 'Ethernet' presented by Shri. Laxman Akolkar, SEA.