Raju Singh explained how Poonam Pandey is destroying her career unknowingly - राजू सिंह ने बताया कैसे पूनम पांडे अपने करियर को अनजाने में ख़त्म कर रही है

Known for raising temperature through her erotic videos and photos, Poonam Pandey is once again making controversies for her recent upload. On the occasion of Christmas, the sex bomb of Bollywood conveyed her good wishes in the most sensual way. In the video, Poonam goes topless at various instances while flaunting her curves. Though thousands rose their thumbs in appreciation, there were many who criticised her for cheap publicity tactics.
Raju Singh Rathore, a social media expert and owner of hypez.com, condemns her action entirely. He says, “perhaps she will manage to grab eyeballs but that would only be for a certain period of time. People would watch her videos/photos for fun, and forget them the very instant they will find something else. By doing such stuff, she is restricting herself to a limited audience and hence spoiling her career. Such shortcuts won’t help to achieve heights in career.”
It’s not the first time that she uploaded such obscene content on social media. Even on the last Christmas, a steamy video by her created controversy all across. She had been consistent is coming up with something new every time.
Speaking of repeatedly uploading such content and creating an image surrounding it, Raju further added, “it’s not just limiting the audience, but her social media activities have in a way left an irremovable impression on the minds of the filmmakers and industry people. This would only lead to demarcating her for a particular genre.”
Considering a huge fan following, Poonam also came up with an app which managed to gather immense traffic after few minutes of its launch. Though it was banned by Google for sharing offensive content, the app was restored later on. As of now, people are waiting to see what more she has for the audience.
Well, good or bad, she is getting the publicity that she wants.

अपने कामुक वीडियोस और तस्वीरों से आकर्षित करने वाली पूनम पांडे अपने हाल ही की अपलोड से एक बार फिर विवाद में पाई जा रही हैं। क्रिसमस के अवसर पर इसबॉलीवुड की सेक्स बॉम्ब ने बड़े ही कामुक अंदाज़ में अपनी शुभकामनाएँ व्यक्त कीं। इस वीडियो के कई हिस्सों में पूनम ने टॉपलेस होकर अपनी शरीर की नुमाईश की।हालाँकि हज़ारों ने उन्हें इसके लिए सराहाकइयों ने उनकी आलोचना करते हुए इसे पब्लिसिटी की घटिया चाल माना।
सोशल मीडिया विशेषज्ञ राजू सिंह राठौर ने इसकी बड़ी निंदा की। वह बोलें ''शायद वह लोगों का ध्यान अपनी तरफ खींचने में सफल रहेंगीं पर यह कुछ ही दिन के लिएहोगा। लोग उनके वीडियोस और तस्वीरों का मज़ा लेंगें और दूसरा कुछ मिलने पर तुरंत इन्हे भूल जाएंगें। यह सब करके वह अपने श्रोतागण को सीमित कर रही हैंजिसके चलते उनका करियर बर्बाद हो जाएगा। ऐसे शॉर्टकट्स अपनाकर अपने करियर में बुलंदी नहीं पाई जाती।
उनके सोशल मीडिया में अश्लील तत्व डालने की यह पहली घटना नहीं है।  पिछले साल भी क्रिसमस पर उन्होंने ऐसी उत्तेजक वीडियो डाली थी जिसकी बहुत कड़ीआलोचना हुई थी। वह हमेशा से ही इस प्रकार का कुछ  कुछ नया लेकर आती रही हैं।
उनके इस तरह से मीडिया अपलोड करके अपना एक इमेज बनाये रखने के बारे में राजू बोलें "इससे  केवल उन्होनें अपने दर्शकों को सीमित कर रखा हैबल्कि उनकीसोशल मीडिया की गतिविधियों ने इंडस्ट्री के लोगों और फिल्मकारों के दिलो-दिमाग पर एक अमिट निशान छोड़ दिया है। इसका नतीजा यही होगा कि उनकी एक विशेषप्रकार की भूमिका में ही गिनती हो पाएगी।
बड़ी संख्या में अपने चाहनेवालों की तादाद देखते हुए पूनम ने एक ऍप भी बनवाया जिसके शुरू होने के कुछी पलों के भीतर उन्होंने उसपर बेशुमार ट्रैफिक बटोरा। इस ऍपपर आपत्तिजनक तत्व के होने से इसको गूगल के बैन करने के बावजूदयह ऍप बाद में लौट आया। फ़िलहालपूनम दर्शकों के लिए और क्या-क्या पेश करेंगींइसकेइंतज़ार में सभी उत्सुक बैठे हैं।
खैरअच्छी हो या बुरीउन्हें जो पब्लिसिटी चाहिए थी वो तो मिल ही रही है।

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