Dandal Kura Radio International name and schedule update

On the heels of our schedule update on February 22, 2018...we have received word that clandestine station, Dandal Kura Radio International, is now known as Ndarason Radio International.

Ndarason Radio International
Effective: 26 February 2018

All times UTC
0500-0700 on  5960 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Kanuri language via Ascension Island relay
0700-0800 on 13810 250 kW / 165 deg to WeAf Kanuri language via Wofferton, UK relay
1800-2100 on 12050 250 kW / 065 deg to WeAf Kanuri language via Ascension Island relay

Also registered at HFCC are TDF frequencies from Feb.26, relayed from Issoudun, France
0500-0600 on  5960 250 kW / 167 deg to WeAf various languages
0600-0700 on  7415 250 kW / 167 deg to WeAf various languages
1800-2000 on 12050 250 kW / 167 deg to WeAf various languages
(SWLDX Bulgaria-26 Feb 2018)
(edited by Teak Publishing)

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