Young & acclaimed swimwear designer Nidhi Munim had an extravagant showcase of her latest collection ‘Deep Summer’ at the India Intimate Fashion Week 2017 on 18th March 2017,10pm at The Leela, Andheri. The grand finale show by the designer witnessed Sushrii Shreya Mishra(Miss United Continent 2015) open the show and actress and supermodelDipannita Sharma as the showstopper
For IIFW 2017, Nidhi Munim presented a brand new line of swimwear, resortwear and sportswear tailored for the dramatic & bold women of today. The collection was inspired by the strange beauty of the deep sea illustrating a dark and enigmatic mood to the line.Tropic inspired beach swimwear and athleisure looks morph into sophisticated resortwear.Glamorous silhouttes had an elevated premium surf feel, with dark summer palettes uplifted by luminescent pinks and oranges. The collection houses a variety in terms of drapes,cover ups,colourblocks in prints,crochets etc.
Also the models were spotted showcasing the stylish and fashion forward collection from Crocs, the international footwear brand.Crocs showcased their collection as the models were seen wearing the Crocs swiftwater x-strap, Crocs linaD’orsay and embellished on the runway.
Designer Nidhi Munim states,“It feels great to be associated with IIFW 2017 as a grand finale designer.My collection breaks the conventional boundaries by ease of wear,drape and use.The idea was simple;to let everyone be comfortable in their own skin.”
Deep Summer is perfect for the modern Indian woman who wants to look sexy & edgy but does not want to compromise on her comfort.