12 December 2017, Mumbai - BoConcept, Danish designer & retailer of Scandinavian furniture products and accessories, launched in Mumbai in the plush interior hub, Raghuvanshi Mills, Lower Parel. The event was hosted in collaboration with Nisha JamVwal, luxury brand consultant, interior architect, columnist & writer. The evening welcomed the likes of Ashish Raheja, Pearl Hafeez Contractor, Singing Maestro Anu Malik accompanied by his beautiful daughters Ada and Anmol who are onto becoming stars in their own right, Suchitra Krishnamoorthi, Azeem Khan and Sameena khan, world famous artist Sudershan Shetty with his television star wife Seema Shetty, Vrindavan Solanki, Actor Pooja Batra, Bollywood actor Sahil Salghatia, artist Sunil and Tanuja Padwal, Arzhan and Khushnuma Khambata, artist Brinda Chudasama Miller and architect Alfaz Miller, Artist Sanjiv Sonpimpre, Krsna Mehta, artist Kahini Arte Merchant, ad guru Preeti Vyas Gianetti, lawyer Abha Singh, lawyer Mrunalini Deshmukh, Sanjay Maroo musician, producer and politician Deepshikha.
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