Urvashi Rautela got blisters on her feet while shooting for the dance number, Aashiq Banaya Aapne. The actress had to shoot the sequence wearing very high heels and while she was flawless in her every dance steps, the background dancers couldn't match her and kept missing steps. Urvashi kept shooting till everything was synchronised and was very patient during entire song shoot.
Director Vishal Pandya says, “She was very cool about it. She knew that sometimes it happens to all actors and just as we adjust with other actors, this time we have to adjust to the background dancers. She was patient for the one-and-half hours it took us to get the right take. The amazing thing was that every time she gave a take there was no dent in her zest and energy and that is there for all of us to see in the song today. Actually, it was not the fault of the dancers also. Since the lyrics were in Hindi, they were taking time to attune to the beat of the song.”
Hate Story IV, directed by Vishal Pandya, stars Urvashi Rautela, Karan Wahi, Vivaan Bhatena, Ihana Dhillon and Gulshan Grover in the lead role. Produced by T-series, the film will release on 9th March, 2018.