“Valedictory Function of सक्षम (संरक्षण क्षमता महोत्सव)-2018 ‘ईंधन संरक्षण की ज़िम्मेदारी, जन गण की भागीदारी’

This year onwards the Oil & Gas Awareness Drive was observed with a title सक्षम (संरक्षण क्षमता महोत्सव)-2018for one month starting 16th January 2018 to 15th February 2018 with a tagline “ईंधन संरक्षण की ज़िम्मेदारी, जन गण की भागीदारी’.
This was organized by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas which was coordinated by Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) with active involvement of Oil & Gas PSUs i.e BPCL, HPCL, IOCL & GAIL.
Intensive activities was planned during this period and “Action plan for observing सक्षम -2017 were formulated. To propagate fuel conservation, PCRA and OMCs organized various activities during this one month.
Petroleum conservation plays an important role in the nation’s development & environment protection. Fuel conservation and efficiency measures would not only save on the huge import bill, but also help in reducing greenhouse gases and other noxious hydrocarbons thereby protecting the health and environment.
The objective of various campaigns & activities was to intensify efforts for making more and more people aware about the need, issues and solutions for conservation & effective utilization of petroleum products.
Various events was organized by the Oil Companies at all their locations in Maharashtra State with complete involvement and participation.
Various awareness initiatives taken at different places were showcased on the concluding Valedictory function.
SLC, Maharashtra in co-ordination with Oil Industry & PCRA had organized the Valedictory function on 15thFebruary 2018 @ 03.00 pm at Yeshwantrao Chavan Centre, near Mantralaya, Mumbai.
The Valedictory function was attended by Senior Officials from Oil Companies i.e. IOCL, BPCL, HPCL, GAIL, Dealers, Distributors fraternity and a large no. of School children along with their teachers and media.  Some of the names of the dignitaries who attended the function were as under:
  • Shri Deelip Shinde, IAS, Controller of Rationing & Director of Civil Supplies, Govt. Of Maharashtra.
  • Shri Bhupendra Mistry, IBPS, Asst. Director (Program), All India Radio
  • Shri B.K. Singh, Regional Level Co-ordinator, IOCL
  • Shri D. Roy Chowdhury, Regional Co-ordinator (WR), PCRA
  • Shri Santosh Nivendkar, State Level Co-ordinator, Oil Industry-Maharashtra
  • Shri K. Ravi, Regional Manager (Lubes), BPC
  • Shri Sanjeev Bhatnagar, GM (O&D), West Zone, HPC
  • Shri Jagdish Prasad, DGM Retail Marketing, GAIL.
  • Shri S. Venkatesh, Chief Manager (LPG), IOC
The program started with warm welcome by Shri Santosh Nivendkar, State Level Co-ordinator, Oil Industry, Maharashtra.
It was informed that various people connect activities such as observing “Bicycle Day” throughout the country, Training program for drivers/Mechanics/Helpers/Fleet Operators, Group talk with housewives/School & Colleges Girls on fuel saving tips & benefits of LPG/PNG over biomass, Group talk with Farmers on fuel saving opportunities, Walkathons, Fuel saving Driving Contest, Fuel saving concerts involving local youths and talents, Graffiti/wall paintings etc. were carried out this year to bring awareness among the society for conservation of Oil & Gas.
Large numbers of activities have also been carried out at Retail Outlets, Transporter Hubs, and Housing Colonies for LPG, Agriculture Sector, Industries, etc. Number of Drawing and Essay, Quiz Competition has been carried out at Educational Institutes by all the Oil Companies during this month of सक्षम (संरक्षण क्षमता महोत्सव)-2018.
Shri Deelip Shinde, IAS, Controller of Rationing & Director of Civil Supplies, Govt. of Maharshtra in his address to the gathering emphasized the need to save fuel.
Shri Bhupendra Mistry, IBPS, Asst. Director (Program), All India Radio took interactive session with the children on awareness of fuel conservation and various methods to conserve fuels & its uses.
Other dignitaries also expressed the need to conserve energy amidst the threatening global warming scenario and availability of limited natural resource and to ensure that oil reserves are conserved for future generation were also shared.  Various measures that can be adopted for saving oil and gas were also suggested.
It was urged that people at large to adopt conservation as a way of life and propagate the conservation habits amongst all the citizens of India. The conservation tips for various Petroleum Products were also shared for the benefit of the gathering.
Pledge was administered by Shri Ashok Tiwari, Sr. Manager, Mktg. Services, BPCL.
Skit on Fuel Conservation was performed by the school children of Colaba Municipal Secondary School & Kendria Vidyalaya 3.
On the spot Quiz contest was conducted which was infotainment & very lively involving all the participants. The participants were very enthusiastic & enjoyed the program while learning various tips for conservation of Petroleum Products.
Prizes were given to the school children for winning the Skit competitions and Quiz competitions.
Shri Ashok Tiwari, Sr. Manager, BPCL proposed the vote of thanks and emphasized to all the participants to ensure that they make conservation of Petroleum Products as a habit in their life, as a responsible citizen of the Country.

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