Floods have hit the districts of Kolhapur and Sangli hard with the city of Sangli completely marooned. During such situation AIR Sangli engineering staff Shri. V.I.Jadhav, Sr. EA, Shri. A.R.Bhasme Engg. Asst. Shri. R.V.Bhise, Tech. and Shri. A.A.Mulla, Tech. are performing the duty at 20 kW AM Transmitter situated in Tung which is located 15 KM from Sangli. AIR Sangli's ground floor of Studio was completely submerged. There is no communication between studio and transmitter. As per the instruction from Programme section, AIR Mumbai's programme is relayed with the help of DTH. During the transmission people in affected areas are getting information about whether reports, updates about flood situation, National News and Regional News. Shri. A.S.Suryawanshi, (AE and Head of Engg. section) and Shri. S.K.Gade, AE AIR Sangli are closely watching the situation and instructing the staff.
In studio parking four wheeler of Shri. V.I.Jadhav, two wheeler of Shri. Bhise and two office vehicles are completely submerged.
PB Parivar salutes such staff who are delicately performing duty in such critical situation.