फिल्म पद्मावत में प्रीतिशील सिंह का काम सराहनीय है: डॉ. मोनिका कपूर - Preetisheel’s creativity added life to the characters in Padmaavat: Dr. Monica Kapoor

Apart from the controversies surrounding the movie Padmaavat, it was Khilji’s character that caught everyone’s attention. Ranveer Singh’s commendable performance in combination with the fierce and savage look actually gave goose bumps to the audience. And the person who shares credits for the same is Preetisheel Singh, national award-winning makeup, hair and prosthetic designer.
While interacting with his fans on twitter, Ranveer was asked about how he slipped into the get up of the character. Answering the question, he accredited Preetisheel for his look, which gave goose bumps to everyone.
Another person on the list, who feels short of words everytime she is asked to admire the fabulous work of Preetisheel, is Monica Kapoor. Monica, a makeup expert, and cosmetic surgeon herself has innumerable achievements listed under her name. She is highly praised by celebrities like Prachi Tehlan, Karan Oberoi, Chandan Prabhakar, Rahulram Manchandra, Mr India Akash Chaudhary and many more.
Appreciating the work of Singh in Padmaavat, Monica said, “Undoubtedly Preetisheel has always been exceptionally good with her work. I have seen her growing day after day. Every work that she did has been better than the last one. I truly appreciate the hard work and dedication she showed throughout. Padmaavat is one of the finest examples of her creativity and innovative mind. Through her skills, she brought out the real essence of the characters in the movie and made them look lively. For example, Ranveer was good with his performance but Preetisheel’s makeup and prosthetics made it more realistic.”
Ranveer was recommendable with his dialogue delivery and expressions, but it was Preetsheel’s art that added a feather to his cap.

पद्मावती फिल्म के विवादों के अलावाखिलजी का चरित्र चर्चा में रहा जिसने हर किसी का ध्यान आकर्षित किया। रणवीर सिंह का सराहनीय प्रदर्शन वास्तव में दर्शकों केलिए तोहफा था। इस चरित्र को बेहतरीन बनाने का पूरा योगदान रणवीर सिंह और और राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार विजेता प्रीतिशील सिंह को जाता है। प्रीतिशील एक श्रृंगारबालऔर कृत्रिम डिज़ाइनर हैं जो चरित्र में जान डाल देती है।
ट्विटर पर अपने प्रशंसकों के साथ बातचीत करते हुएरणवीर को इस बारे में पूछा गया कि वह इस  चरित्र में किस तरह आये। प्रश्न का उत्तर देते हुएउन्होंने प्रीतिशील केकार्य की तारीफ करते हुए उन्हें मान्यता दी।
इसी कतार में प्रीतिशील की तारीफ सेलिब्रिटी कॉस्मोलॉजिस्ट डॉमोनिका कपूर ने की। मोनिका कपूर , एक श्रृंगार विशेषज्ञ और कॉस्मेटिक सर्जन है। उनके नाम के तहतसूचीबद्ध असंख्य उपलब्धियां हैं। प्राची तहलानकरन ओबेरायचंदन प्रभाकरराहुलराम मंचनमिस्टर इंडिया 2016 आकाश चौधरी और कई और कई मशहूर हस्तियोंद्वारा डॉमोनिका के कार्य प्रशंसा की गई है।
पद्मावत में प्रीतिशील के काम की सराहना करते हुएमोनिका ने कहा, "निस्संदेह प्रीतिशील हमेशा अपने काम के साथ बहुत अच्छी है। वो हर काम जो करती है वह पिछलेएक से बेहतर रहा होता हैमैं वास्तव में कड़ी मेहनत और समर्पण की सराहना करती  हूं। पद्मावत उनकी रचनात्मकता के बेहतरीन उदाहरणों में से एक है। अपने कौशल केमाध्यम सेउसने फ़िल्म के पात्रों के वास्तविक सार को उजागर कर दिया है और उन्हें जीवंत बना दिया। उदाहरण के लिएरणवीर अपने प्रदर्शन के साथ अच्छे थे लेकिनप्रीतिशील के श्रृंगार और कृत्रिम अंग ने उन्हें और अधिक ताकतवर बना दिया।"
रणवीर अपने अभिनय के साथ बेहतरीन थे पर यह प्रीतिशील का काम था जिसने उनके किरदार की  टोपी में एक पंख जोड़ दिया।

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