VOA Radiogram - January 1: Celebrating the new year with no-dirt farming

VOA Radiogram on 1 January will return to the normal format, with one news item in Olivia 64-2000, which might be helpful if reception is poor.  Olivia 64-2000 works best if Fldigi's squelch (SQL) is off.
Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 196, 1 January 2017, all in MFSK32 except where noted:
1:45  Program preview
2:50  Farming without soil*
8:54  Dwarf planet Ceres flush with ice*
14:38  Olivia 64-2000: Planets developing around young star
22:02  MFSK32: Image* and closing announcements*
* with image
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):

Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz        (To the Americas, try also in Europe)
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz      (To Europe, try also in the Americas and Asia-Pacific)
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.

The Mighty KBC broadcast to North America will be Sunday at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 7-9 pm EST) on 6145 kHz, via Germany. A minute of MFSK32 will be transmitted at about 0130 UTC. Reports to Eric: themightykbc@gmail.com . See also http://www.kbcradio.eu/ and http://ift.tt/2fsmvKo .

DigiDX transmits DX news in MFSK32 and sometimes other modes:
Sunday 2030-2100 UTC on  11580Khz (Via WRMI Florida, to Europe)
Sunday 2330-2400 UTC on 11580kHz (Via WRMI Florida, to North and South America)
Monday 2000-2030 UTC on 3975 kHz (via IBC)
Wednesday 2100-2130 UTC on 3975 kHz (via IBC)
See http://www.digidx.uk/ and http://ift.tt/2auVGVI

Italian Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) has digital modes as follows:
EVERY WEDNESDAY ON 3975 KHZ 20.30-21.00 UTC in MFSK32 and OLIVIA 16-500
EVERY FRIDAY ON 9955 KHZ 02.25-02.30 UTC in MFSK32
EVERY SATURDAY ON 1584 KHZ 21.25-21.30 UTC in MFSK32
EVERY SUNDAY ON 7730 KHZ 00.55-01.00 UTC in MFSK32
EVERY SUNDAY ON 6070 KHZ 11.30-12.00 UTC  in MFSK32 and OLIVIA 16-500 (VIA RADIO BCLNEWS)
For the complete IBC transmission schedule, including voice broadcasts, visit  http://ift.tt/2auVEwZ
(Kim Elliott)

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