From an aspiring actor who lived in a small village called Belwa in Bihar to becoming one of the finest actors of Bollywood, Manoj Bajpayee has carved a niche of himself with his immense struggle and talent. The two time national award winner and also the Best Performance Actor at the prestigious 10th Asia Pacific Screen Awards may have reached his much deserved fame but the actor is still very much grounded to his roots.
Recently amidst, his busy shooting schedules and work commitments, the fine actor paid a visit to his village Bewla along with his parents. Manoj, who has been visiting his village every year to take a break from the city life, has gone this time for a special reason. According to a source close to the actor, informs that every time when Manoj visits his village, he has brief interactions with the villagers about their ongoing development needs. He takes notes of these issues and then discusses the same with the Superintendent of Police and his friend, Vinay Kumar, who graciously considerate and looks into the problems closely. With such thoughtful initiations, the actor recently got permissions sorted for the village community hall and is now is looking forward to sort approvals for a school too. It is known that Manoj makes sure to spend time with villagers as much as he can, since they are the people whom he has grown up with and are mostly his child hood friends. Having a school in the village is a desire which all the villagers have and Manoj is giving all his efforts to make it possible by being the mediator of with the authorities. He has also taken help from Mr. Lokesh Kumar, the District Magistrate to work towards the development of his village.
Talking about it the talented actor Manoj Bajpayee said, “I have spent my most memorable years in my village Belwa, it is that place from where my cinematic journey started. This village has given me a lot and I feel it’s my duty to contribute in its development. I am trying my bit as much as I can in speaking to the higher authorities to get permissions. I am escalating one problem at a time, after the permission of community hall; our next target is getting permissions for a school. I am hoping that with my efforts, the problems of village get eradicated completely.
Manoj Bajpayee is currently in his village and will soon be back in the town to promote his upcoming films Neeraj Pandey’s Naam Shabana and RGV’s Sarkar 3. Apart from that he will be also seen in Tabrez Noorani’s Love Sonia, Dipesh Jain’s In the Shadow, Neeraj Pandey's Missing and many more interesting projects which are going to be announced soon.