Naamkarann, the romantic drama on STAR Plus gave a shock to its viewers with the death of a beloved character ‘Neela’ in the show. Mahesh Bhatt took to twitter as he expressed gratitude to Sayantani Ghosh, who played the role of Neela, to play such a powerful character that is so close to his heart, followed by fans who took to social media to express their disappointment. From Fans to makers, Neela’s death surely hasn’t gone well with anyone. All this has just happened and now the news is that even Avni, the main lead of the show will die in the upcoming track.
Yes, you heard it right. Buzz is that after Avni’s mother ‘Neela’ is dead on the show, even Avni’s character is going to come to an end with a tragic death that will leave Neil and Avni’s love story incomplete forever. The makers haven’t revealed how the track is going to progress and lead to such interesting trail of events. But one thing has been confirmed that Avni will soon be dying on the show. “Yes, I will be seen dying on the show. Naamkarann has given me so much as an actor, so anything for it,” says Aditi Rathore (Avni).
Neil and Avni are television’s most loved and popular couple and with Avni’s death on the show, we wonder what the viewer’s reaction is going to be like.
To find out more, watch Naamkarann Mon-Fri at 9pm only on STAR Plus!