Dheeraj Dhoopar from Kundali Bhagya said, “Love has played a very important role in making me what I am today. It makes you feel wanted, despite all your draw backs and this is the best part about it. My wife Vinny has been my Valentine ever since I understood the meaning of love and she will be my valentine forever. I am not very expressive but I buy her gifts and take her out. I even come home early to shower my love on her and spend some quality time amidst the crazy work schedule. I remember this one time when we both were shooting together on the sets of the show where we first met. It was Valentine’s Day and I was behaving as if I don’t remember the occasion and didn’t do anything special for her. But it was actually a prelude to a surprise I had planned for her after the shoot. I had booked a table for the two of us at a Restro and had told them to decorate it with flowers and chocolates. After the shoot, I took her there and she was absolutely delighted with the surprise.”
Krrip Kapur Suri as Adhiraj in Zee TV’s Jeet Gayi Toh Piyaa Morre said, “For me every day is like Valentine’s Day. Two people who are in love must experience this beautiful feeling and cherish these moments every day of their life. They make beautiful memories which are always remembered for a lifetime. Why should there be just one day to celebrate love. Love should be enjoyed and celebrated every day. To value every relationship and shower immense love is the beauty of Valentine’s day. My most cherished memory of the day is when I surprised my wife, by taking her for dinner to her favourite place and gave her a special gift. Moreover, I would love to celebrate every minute of my time as Valentine’s day because one day seems too less.
Sahil Uppal as Viraat in Zee TV's Jeet Gayi Toh Piyaa Morre said, “I believe in celebrating love and that too every day. I don’t think we need a special day to celebrate love. Love is a pure feeling so it is obviously very important for all of us and we dont need a specific day to express our feelings. My first valentine was back in school, when I had limited pocket money and planned a lot of things for my girlfriend back then. I took her on a coffee date, gifted her chocolates , flowers and later managed my expenses like a miser for the rest of the month! But I hope I could make her feel special. I gathered all my courage and gifted her(my first crush) a teddy bear and she refused to accept it. Well it’s not a cherished memory but definitely my valentine memory! I would like to wish my fans a very Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Karan Jotwani as Sahil Agarwal in Zee TV’s Aap Ke Aa Jaane Se said, “My first Valentine’s day was back in school where I tried to do something special for my crush and it all went perfect. I fondly remember when I took my date for lunch and we really enjoyed each other’s company and it was a very beautiful moment. Love is an unconditional and pure feeling and Valentine’s day is just another day marked to celebrate two people who are in love. I believe we don’t need a specific day to celebrate this feeling.”
Manit Joura as Rishabh in Kundali Bhagya said, “When I was in a relationship, everyday was like Valentine’s day for us. The feeling of being in love is extremely beautiful and one day in the year is not enough to acknowledge the same. I don’t think we need a particular day to express love towards someone. Love for me is very sacred; either you love someone wholeheartedly or you don’t love at all. For me, Love is the very basis of our existence and if we are existing today, it’s all because of the love and care we receive every single day. So, if we exist because of Love then every day is Valentine's day and anyone and everyone who you love or who loves you is your Valentine.”