Xinjiang broadcast frequency change
The annual frequency change was implemented from 1100 on 10th Nov'16. Each language of "Xinjiang People's Campus" began using the frequency of 4 MHz band. It is exactly the same frequency as last year. It is one week behind usual.
The Xinjiang Humitomo broadcaster carries 12 lines only with radio broadcasting, and among them 5 lines are issued even in short wave broadcasting.
Xinjiang PBS Winter frequencies: effective from 1100 UTC on November 10, 2016
2300 - 1800 (Tue.0800 - 1100 off the air)
3990 2300-0300, 1135-1800
4980 2300-0300, 1135-1800
6120 2300-0300, 1200-1800
7205 2310-0300, 1225-1800
7275 0300 - 1200
9560 0245 - 1200
11885 0250 - 1200
13670 0300 - 1225
2300-1800 (Tue.0800-1100 off the air)
3950 2300-0230, 1205-1800
5060 2300-0300, 1135-1800
5960 2300 - 1800
7260 0230 - 1205
7310 2310-0300, 1200-1800
9600 0300 - 1200
11770 0250 - 1200
2300 - 0330, 0530 - 1030, 1230 - 1800 (Tue.0800 - 1100 off the air)
4500 2300-0330, 1210-1800
6190 2300-0330, 1210-1800
7230 0510-1030
9510 0510-1030
2300 - 1800 (Tue.0800 - 1100 off the air)
4850 2300-0300, 1155-1800
6015 2300-0345, 1150-1800
7340 0300 - 1155
9470 0345-1150
0330-0530, 1030-1230
7295 0310-0530, 1030-1230
9705 0310-0530, 1030-1230
Google Translated
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