There have been lots of news reports claiming that Justin Beiber lip-synced most of his songs at the just concluded concert in Mumbai and that some fans are furious. Our Indigo 91.9 RJ Michelle Patrao was at the DY Patil stadium, literally 5ft away from the stage. Here’s an account of what she saw, which has been posted on our FB page this morning –
“I have seen so many news articles and websites slamming Justin Bieber's performance and more so comments here shaming him for it.. At the onset, let me clearly state I was a HATER!!!! I loathed Justin, his music, his life choices, his rise to fame.. ALL of it!! I was NEVER a Belieber, until Purpose.. So please hear me out...
I was 5 feet away from the stage and I watched him like a hawk. I paid a LOT of money for my ticket and I would have been hopping mad if I was cheated out a good performance. Was I cheated? NO!!
We play Justin's tunes so often that I know his songs, the scale he sings, modulations in the original track, ALL of it. I know the difference between the original track and one sung on top of an underlay.. Justin sang EVERY song... His modulations were different from the original tune, and it was different with every tune he sang.. If you listen to the original, and what he sang at the concert, you'll know the difference.. ALSO, It was so ridiculously HOT that evening, not even a light breeze and yes he wore basketball shorts and a Tee.. It's not disrespectful, it's sensible. IT also shows personal growth, he had such a crazy sense of fashion a while ago, this new look and sound of his, shows he's more grounded than he was..
I as a hater can see it, in his music, in his lyrics, in his style, in his attitude.. Sure he has bad days, but don't you”
Michelle [Hater turned Belieber]
Based on the above, do let me know if you are/planning to do any article on the same and if you would like Michelle to share her opinions on the same. Will be happy to co-ordinate an interaction.