Kazi Nazrul Islam joined All India Radio Kolkata sometime between 1938 and 1939. Though he participated in AIR Kolkata as a singer & elocutionist much earlier from 1928. For AIR Kolkata he wrote songs, sang & recited poems.
He directed a very popular programme musical programme called 'Harmony'. Research work was done by musicologist Suresh Chandra Chakraborty. In another programme called (A new garland of Ragas) he created a slew of ragas including 'Bana Kuntala', 'Dolon Champa' etc., many other musical programmes like 'Nazruler Agamani', Iraner Swapna', 'Saranga Ranga had enriched All India Radio Kolkata.
On August 7, 1941 the day Rabindranath died, Nazrul composed the poem (without the sun) and himself recited it over the air. He also composed and sang the outstanding song 'ঘুমাইতে দাও শ্রান্ত রবীরে( let the tired poet sleep) on the self same day. Nazrul joined AIR Kolkata as a music director, musicologist Suresh Chandra Chakraborty had a bing hand in his appointment.
It has to remembered that the British Govt. had already banned many of Kazi Nazrul Islam's books & jailed him as an enemy of the state. Yet, he was appointed by All India Radio Kolkata. This fact still intrigues many. At All India Radio Kolkata Nazrul completely submerged himself in his creativity of composing music. From one'o clock in the afternoon till eight'o clock at night tirelessly he gave music lessons to his students. He was never irritated, never tired. Sitting on a simple white sheet, spread over a wooden cot & continuously chewing পান (betel leaf) he used to give his musical lessons.
Tragically, Nazrul lost his speech owing to a rare disease and this incident happened suddenly on 9th July, 1942 at All India Radio Kolkata while participating in a children's programme on that day. After many attempts he could not utter a sound. Later he also lost his senses and had to sever his ties with All India Radio Kolkata. On 29th August, 1976 at about one'o clock in the afternoon his death was announced by All India Radio Kolkata.
Contributed By: Shri Ranjan Mitra,Kolkata.
Extract From : http://www.freewebs.com/airkolkata/artists.html
Contributed By: Shri Ranjan Mitra,Kolkata.
Extract From : http://www.freewebs.com/
First Published on 02.08.2013
Our organisation, Akashwani and Doordarshan have a special significance as the grand old National Public Service Broadcasters and both of them have very rich and glorious history. Almost every renowned singer, celebrated dancer and distinguished and eminent writer have been associated with Akashwani, especially in the 1940s-50s and beyond. Many of them were associated with Doordarshan as well. Doordarshan has also contributed to the blossoming of many Film Directors, Artists, and Producers.PB Parivar calls upon each of its members to join hands in building up this data base and saluting our veterans.
Please tell us about Celebrity Artists associated with your or any other AIR/DD Station. (just 6-10 lines)
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