(1)Which rules govern pension and gratuity to the employees retiring from Central Government Civil Departments. 
Pension and gratuity of the employees retiring from Central Government Departments is regulated by the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. There are separate rules regarding pension and gratuity of Railway employees and Defence personnel. 
(2) Is the date of voluntary retirement treated s duty? 
Yes, the date of voluntary retirement is treated as duty (Rule 5). 
(3) Who is eligible for pension? 
A Govt. servant appointed in a pensionable establishment on or before 31.12.2003 and retires from Government service with a qualifying service of 10 years or more is eligible for pension (Rule 2, 49). (4) How is pension calculated? 
W.e.f. 1.1.2006, pension is calculated @ 50% of emoluments (last pay) or average emoluments (for last 10 months), whichever is more beneficial to the retiring Govt. servant. (Rule 49). 
(5) What happens to the departmental proceedings instituted against a Govt. servant during service and pending at the time of retirement? Can pension/gratuity be paid to a retiring, Govt. servant if Departmental/Judicial proceeding are pending against him at the time of retirement? 
Department proceedings pending at the time of retirement are deemed to be the proceedings under Rule 9 and shall be continued and concluded by the same disciplinary authority and in the same manner. Thereafter, authority will submit a report recording its finding to the President. In such cases, only provisional pension is paid and gratuity is withheld till the conclusion of departmental proceedings and issue of final orders thereon by the competent authority. 
(6) Can Departmental proceedings be instituted after retirement? 
Departmental proceeding can be instituted after retirement subject to following conditions:- (a) Sanction of the President shall be obtained before instituting such proceedings; (b) The proceedings shall not be in respect of any event which took place more than 4 years such institution; (c) Proceedings shall be conducted by such authority and in such place or the President may direct and in accordance with rules applicable to departmental proceedings in which an order of dismissal from service could be made in relation to the Govt. servant during his service. 
(7) When are departmental or judicial proceeding deemed to be instituted? 
(a) Departmental proceedings shall be deemed to be instituted on the date on which the statement of charges is issued to the Government servant or pensioner, or is the Government servant has been placed under suspension from an earlier dated, on such date; (b) Judicial proceedings shall be deemed to be instituted- (i) In the case of criminal proceedings, on the date on which the complaint or report of a Police Officer, of which the Magistrate takes contingence, is made, and (ii) In the case of civil proceedings, on the date the plaint is presented in the court. 
(8) Can the pension/gratuity be withheld on conclusion of departmental/judicial proceedings? 
The President reserves to himself the right of withholding a pension or gratuity, or both, either in full or in part, or withdrawing a pension in full or in part, whether permanently or for a specified period, and of ordering recovery from a pension or gratuity of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Government, if, in any departmental or judicial proceedings, the pensioner is found guilty of grave misconduct or negligence during the 3 period of service, including service rendered upon re-employment after retirement. Power to withhold/withdraw pension/gratuity is with President and UPSC is required to the consulted before any final orders are passed. 
(9) Which pay is reckoned as emoluments for pension and gratuity? 
The basic pay as defined in FR 9 (21) (a) (i) is reckoned as emoluments for pension. However, Non- Practicing Allowance granted to Medical Officers is also included in emoluments. For the purpose of Retirement/ Death gratuity, Dearness Allowance admissible on the date of retirement/death is also treated as emoluments. 
(10) Which pay is reckoned as emoluments for pension if the Government servant is on leave, suspension or deputation at the time of retirement? 
(a) If a Government servant immediately before his retirement or death while in service had been absent from duty on leave for which leave salary is payable or having been suspended had been reinstated without forfeiture of service, the emoluments which he would have drawn had he not been absent from duty or suspended shall be the emoluments for the purposes of this rule. However, increase in pay (other than the increment) which is not actually drawn shall not form part of his emoluments. (b) If a Government servant immediately before his retirement or death while in service had been absent from duty on extraordinary leave or had been under suspension, the period whereof does not count as service, the emoluments which he drew immediately before proceeding on such leave or being placed under suspension shall be the emoluments for the purposes of this rule. (c) If a Government servant immediately before his retirement of death while in service, was on earned leave, and earned an increment which was not withheld, such increment, though not actually drawn, shall form part of his emoluments. However, such increment should have been earned during the currency of the earned leave not exceeding one hundred and twenty days, or during the first one hundred and twenty days of earned leave where such leave was for more than one hundred and twenty days. (d) Pay drawn by a Government servant while on foreign service shall not be treated as emoluments, but the pay which he would have drawn under the Government had he not been on foreign service shall alone be treated as emoluments. 
(11) Can a pension be withheld/withdrawn on grounds of misconduct after retirement? 
Future good conduct is the implied condition for grant/continuance of pension. The appointing authority may, by order in writing, withhold or withdraw a pension or a part 4 thereof, whether permanently or for a specified period, if the pensioner is convicted of a serious crime or is found guilty of grave misconduct.

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