Popular comedian and mimicry artist, Mubeen Saudagar who has made his presence felt on small screen with his comic timing and unbeatable talent, is all set to take the audience on a laughter ride once again with his comic acts. The exceptionally talented artist, will sprinkle the magic of love along with laughter in the upcoming special episode of Valentine’s Day on the show, BIG Memsaab. Watch Mubeen leaving no stone unturned to impress the gorgeous Kaishma Tanna by proposing to her in style and entertain the viewers with some rib tickling humour this Wednesday, February 15 at 7:00 PM on BIG Magic.
Speaking about his entry, artist Mubeen Saudagar said, “If I were to describe comedy, I would say it has been my first love and I love doing it irrespective of the platform. It gives me an adrenaline rush to see smiling faces around me while I am performing. On the show BIG Memsaab, I am trying to do the same by adding some amount of laughter to it. Pritam and I share a really good bond as we have worked together earlier. He has also supported me throughout this episode and I am really grateful to him. As it is a Valentine’s Day special, the audience will also see me proposing to Karishma in a unique manner, hope they will like it.”
~Catch this special episode and be a part of the laughter ride on BIG Memsaab this Wednesday, February 15 at 7:00 PM~