A new daily soap titled “Bandhan Kachchey Dhaagon Ka” is slated to commence its telecast on Doordarshan’s National channel from February 20, 2017 daily Monday to Friday at 2:00 PM in the afternoon slot.It is being produced by D. N. Joshi a.k.a. Dharmanand under his banner Trishakti Films. Based on a script by Paras Jaiswal, it is directed by Manoj Singh. The serial revolves around the eternal bond, love and honour between brother and sister.
The serial features Neeraj Bharadwaj as Indrajeet, in a negative role. This is Neeraj Bharadwaj third outing with the makers.The writer, director and the actor had worked together earlier in serials like “Yeh Dil-E-Naadan” and “Kahin Der Na Ho Jaaye”.Neeraj is a famous face on Doordarshan channels. Earlier he had acted in Raman Kumar’s “Ehsaas” on DD which had crossed 200 episodes on the channel. In it he had a dual characterization from positive role to turning negative as ‘Rajeev’ which was well appreciated and remembered too. Once again with this serial he is back to his roots of performing a villainous role.
Neeraj Bharadwaj is one of the most sought after actors. From last six years he has been playing a positive role as ‘Chirag Modi’ a.k.a ‘Mota Bhai’ in television drama “Saath Nibhaana Saathiya” aired on Star Plus channel. Remembering his role as ‘Rajeev’, at many times, his co-stars quizzes as to when his character will turn negative.
The non-stop shooting for this serial “Bandhan Kachchey Dhaagon Ka” is being held in Banaras, Mumbai and Thane. Shweta Gautam, Neeraj Bharadwaj, Harmanpreet Kaur, Arun Kumar Singh, Antima, Vipin Singh, Yashika, Richa Soni features in its cast. Jagbir Singh is the director of photography.