The Kangana Ranaut, Shahid Kapoor & Saif Ali Khan starrer film, Rangoon is all over the news currently with the actors, especially Kangana Ranaut’s promoting the film. Also known as the Queen of Bollywood, she has always carried each of her attires spectacularly. This time she was spotted wearing an ensemble by the internationally acclaimed clothing and décor brand, Shades of India on a television show. Styled by renowned celebrity stylist, Ami Patel, Kangana was seen wearing a beautiful purple saree with some floral prints on it with a move color blouse with little tassels on its sleeves. As she looks phenomenal in each of the outfits she wears to suit her characters in multiple movies, this time yet again, for the film promotions, she looked extremely elegant and poise in this attire.
About Shades of India:
Founded almost two decades ago, Shades of India is internationally known as one of India’s most creative textile companies.  Led by Mandeep Nagi (Design Director) and David Housego (former UK journalist), the brand combines contemporary design with the inspiring workmanship of traditional craft.
The uniqueness of its style lies in the texturing of fabrics, the coordination and contrasting of colors, and the inventive, unexpected use of surface treatment.
The company is acclaimed internationally for originality and inventiveness of its designs and has won various awards including best product awards at shows in Paris and New York. Mandeep Nagi, Design Director, has thrice won the Elle Decor Design Award in India for fabric.
Shades of India’s product range include apparel, fashion and interior accessories, and home furnishings. Building on its reputation, Shades of India established its own first stand-alone retail store at Meharchand Market in New Delhi in 2012 and now sells through over 20 outlets in India.

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