Mumbai 13th February, 2017: BJP South Mumbai’s Municipal Election Campaign was kick started in a unique fashion today by Environment and Green crusader Shaina NC where she accompanied candidate Atul Shah on his campaign trail on bicycles. In an attempt to create awareness and promotion of a clean Environment and City Shaina NC along withAtul Shah cycled across South Mumbai Ward No 220 from CP Tank through Kumbharwada. This campaign is also targeting youth to become part of a more socially and environmentally aware society and promote clean and green living apart from being actively involved in civic duties and responsibilities.
Commenting on this unique campaign kickoff Shaina NC said “As civic conscious citizens of a city that is reeling under the pressure of overcrowded and strained infrastructure it is our duty to ensure that we conserve energy and promote clean and green living as much as we can. This unique mode of campaigning is targeted at youth and all citizens to make them aware of the issues that our city is facing and urging them to make a change to improve the living conditions and environment that we live in.”
Atul Shah BJP Candidate for Ward 220 and social activist added “Honourable PM Shri Narendra Modi has been actively promoting the Swacch Bharat campaign for cleaner villages and cities and we are taking this to grass root levels by being active participants in this campaign. For us Swachh should cover every aspect of what we do including the environment and this campaign is one way of contributing to our dream of having a clean and green city. As the saying goes charity begins at home and each and every citizen should make it their personal responsibility to contribute to the great dream of making India a clean, green and great country.”
Shaina NC has been an active propagator of green living and has been at the forefront of many campaigns along with her father Shri Nana Chudasama.She holds the positions of national spokesperson for the BJP, member of the national executive council of BJP, and treasurer of the BJP's Maharashtra unit as well as president of the newly created Health and Cultural Cell of the BJP. Shaina is also involved in social work through her charity fashion shows and two NGOs, 'I Love Mumbai' and 'Giants International'.