Mumbai, July 5: The WIFA (Western India Football Association) has suspended the Football School of India (FSI) for a period of one year for having committed gross indiscipline. The suspension notice was communicated to the FSI vied a letter from WIFA dated July 4, 2017.
This decision was taken by the WIFA Disciplinary Committee, which included WIFA, Hon. Gen. Secretary, Souter Vaz, WIFA CEO, Henry Menezes, MDFA Secretary, U. Banerjee and WIFA Head of Referees, Dhanraj More. A representative from the FSI who had attended the meeting accepted that the School had committed serious indiscipline.
FSI without obtaining the necessary permission from WIFA, the Governing Body of Football for Maharashtra, had participated in an illegal and unauthorised tournament in Goa in May.