Blind auditions for The Voice India Kids are advancing at a fast pace. And, this weekend, the journey will draw to a close. With each episode, the coaches’ teams have been filling up with exceptional talent and with only a few spots to go, the competition has become fiercer. The Voice India Kids’ musical maestros and coaches – Shaan, Himesh, Palak and Papon have been overwhelmed by the showcase of singing talent and they are finding itextremely difficult to choose from the volley of incredible singers who will make it into their team.
Come weekend, viewers will get an opportunity to hear some exceptional singing from contestant's with varied background and stories which promise to strike a chord with viewers. A special highlight will be young Yuvraj from Kanpur whose endearing story and impeccable talent will impress the coaches! Having lost hearing abilities from one ear at the tender age of five, Yuvraj has charged on and will be heard singing O Rangrez from Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. And, whether the coaches turn their chairs and appreciate Yuvraj’s talent is something that viewers will have to wait and watch! Another young singer to showcase her talent will be Kolkata-based Shreemoyee who will serenade the coaches with her voice even coax the coaches to sing along with her in Bengali!
The episode will also bring back last year’s eliminated contestant, Chetan determined to make a mark on the show as he returns with much gusto to mesmerize the coaches with his performance. Chetan will, in fact, sing the soulful Sajda from My Name is Khan, but it remains to be seen if he will be able to enthrall the coaches for the second time!
To know which contestant will be able to win the coaches’ hearts and which team will they chosen to be in, don’t forget to tune into The Voice IndiaKids, this Saturday and Sunday at 9 pm only on &TV!
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