Monitoring Malaysia

All times UTC
(logs edited for clarity)

11665 kHz  Wai FM (RTM Kajang) at 1255-1320, on 15, 16, 17, 19 April, and 1357-1405* UT on 16 April. First heard as tentative on 6 April 1357-59*(sign-off)  with Malaysian pop song cut off in mid-verse. Later logs usually poor at tune- in with signal improving towards 1330+.

Wai FM news at 13.00:05, then big production jingle. Malaysian pop, some nice 'indigenous' a-capella group singing (well, some hand chimes/foot drumming in there, too). previous logs had RTM Net News at 140, as well. Nice to hear them once again, even though their "Wai FM-Limbang" program heard last year at 1315-1400 on Monday/Thursday has apparently been discontinued.

11665  Wai-FM (via RTM Kajang). 1240-1320+ , on 30 April. Doing fairly well this morning with usual Malaysian pop. Lively DJ with big production jingles.Apparently not running "Wai FM-Limbang" program (as heard last year) on Mondays 1315-1400. .
(Dan Sheedy via Robert Wilkner-FL-USA, DXplorer via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 10)
(WWDXC-Top News 18 May # 1384)

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