Gujarati Films goes the Bollywood way, as Carry On Kesar hosted a special screening for the cast and media. The premiere saw some known faces like Supriya Pathak Kapur, Darshan Jariwala, Avani Modi, Rittesh Mosh,Ketki Dave, Sarita Joshi, Tikku Talsani, Alka Yagnik, Vipul Mehta and much more.
The movie is about a Carry On Kesar is an Indian Gujarati social comedy film directed by Vipul Mehta. It is a socially relevant film that talks of a traditional elderly childless couple deciding to have a baby. Carry On Kesar marks the debut of Bollywood, television and theater personality, actress Supriya Pathak Kapur in Gujarati Cinema. The cast includes Darshan Jariwala, Avani Modi and Rittesh Mobh in the lead roles.
A slice of life comedy meant for the entire family, not only delights your funny bones but awakens the dying hopes of several childless couples in India. This movie inspires couples who wish to conceive at a later stage of life but also motivates today’s youth to dedicate themselves towards their passion.
This movie is going to be released on 18th November 2016 in cinemas near you.