Contiloe’s Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanuman, the popular and long running historical mytho on Sony, follows the life of Lord Hanuman, a destroyer of obstacles, and traces his journey from his childhood till the time he met Lord Rama and became his devout disciple. As the story progresses, Ravana is been killed by Rama and Sita has to face the Agnipariskha to prove her herself pure. This show has kept the audience captivated with compelling story-telling and heartwarming performances since its launch on the channel in 2015. As Hanuman reaches an important milestone with the completion of 500 episodes, it also marks the end of an era. Shatanan Ravan who is Ravana's elder brother is ready to avenge his brother's death and with Hanuman's help Ram and his Sena are ready for a war with Shatanan Ravan. To watch this epic battle unfold, tune in every Mon-Fri at 8:00pm only on Sony.
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» Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanuman achieves an important milestone – completes 500 episodes!