Date of Commissioning of This Station: 25.02. 1991.
Name of Programme Head: Shri Lachhaman Paleya, PEX.
Name of Engineering Head: Shri Swarup Kumar Mandal, AE.
Got best maintained Station Award in the year 2012.
Play "DHAALU" was awarded 1st Prize in Drama Category in Akashvani Annual Award Competition 1997.Production Team: - R.N. Lakra, Announcer, Sadhuram Singh, Tech., T.K. Srichandan, PEX, T.K. Rout, Producer.
Name of Engineering Heads who have earlier served at this station: -
i) Shri A.R. Sheikh, SE from 26.03.1990 to 30.04. 1993.
ii) Shri P.P. Bhattacharya, SE form 12.07. 1994 to 12.08.1997.
iii) Shri S. Tajan, SE from 09. l1. 1998 to 05.07.2000.
iv) Shri S.K.Mandal, AE from 02.08.2000 to 22.04.2003.
v) Shri D.C. Hembram, ASE from 23.04.2003 to 08. I 0.2003.
vi) Shri Swapan Poddar, ASE from 1 I .06.2004 to 30.03.2007.
vii) Shri R.N. De, ADE from I 4.12.2009 to 31.05.2015
viii) Shri S.K. Mandal, AE from 16.06.2015 to till date.
Name of the Programme Heads who have earlier served at this station: -
i) Shri A.K. Padhi, SD from 31. 10. 1991 to 27.02. 1993.
ii) Shri Srikanta Das, SD from .1).04. 1993 to 10.06. 1997.
iii) Shri J.C. Mishra, SD from 11.06. 1997 to 3 1 . I 0.2002.
iv) Shri T.K. Panda, PEX frfim 01 .1 1.2002 to 28.09.2003.
v) Shri K.K. Mishra, SD from 29.09.2003 to 22. 12.2004.
vi) Mrs. Bulbul Bose, PEX from 23. 12.2004 to 05.08.2007.
vii) Shri B.K. Rudra, PEX from 06.08.2007 to 30.09.201 0.
viii) Shri B.N. Singh, PEX from 01. 10.2010 to 3 1.03.2015.
ix) Shri J.R. Munda, PEX from 0 1 .04.2015 to 3 1.05.2015.
x) Shri L. Paleya, PEX from 01.06.2015 to Till date.
During super cyclone in October 1999, that hit Od isha State severely, Mayurbhanj District was also in the danger zone, Al R, Baripada under took round the clock transmission time, disseminated latest information regarding the cyclone informed people of the steps being taken by the local administration. Hundreds of phone calls were attended by the AIR staff to answer the anxiety of the people on Cyclone.
During "HUDHUD" Cyclone in October, 2014 that hit the Odisha Coast. AIR, Baripada made round the clock transmissions and informed people of preemptive steps to be taken in case of emergency in consultation with local administration.
Contributed By :- AIR BARIPADA All India Radio,Baripada,Odisha-757002