Notion Press publishes Mutual Funds: The Money Multiplier by Lalitha Thamaraipandy

India , 23rd June , 2017 : How can you build wealth with the most elusive combination – COMMON SENSE and KNOWLEDGE? Mutual Funds: The Money Multiplier answers this question and takes you on a journey into the world of mutual funds. There is a dearth of books on mutual funds in India for ordinary Indian investors by Indian authors. Mutual Funds: The Money Multiplierby Lalitha Thamaraipandy is an earnest endeavour to fill this lacuna.
Mutual Funds and investments therein have always remained an enigma to the common man. Lalitha has, in Mutual Funds: The Money Multiplier, attempted to throw light on investing in mutual funds in a manner that could endear mutual funds to the layman. A matrix (3*3) approach has been adopted, with the book having been divided into nine sections.  Due care has been taken to ensure that readers imbibe the concept and enrich their knowledge and wealth. Each entry in the matrix has been accorded due importance. Minute details are dealt with precision and clarity so as to drive home the concept and prepare the reader to face the material world of mutual funds with confidence.
Mutual Funds: The Money Multiplier undertakes a long but pleasant journey - initiation of the idea of mutual funds, constituents and structure, legal and regulatory framework, clarification of the concepts associated with it, savouring of the fund flavours, the raison d’etre for traversing the mutual fund route, researching resources, systematically scouting for consistent performers with sound credentials, selecting the right funds and the best option that would maximise returns, online investing, and finally the factors that should figure in the choice of the right financial adviser. All the topics have been analysed threadbare against the backdrop of investment planning, so as to offer a holistic view of wealth creation for laymen in India.
Lalitha Thamaraipandy is a prolific writer and consultant in the field of finance and investments. She started her career as an Investment Analyst with fundamental analysis of equities as her area of core competence. She has been prudently managing equity and mutual fund portfolios and offering investment advice. She heads the Finance Department of Golden Palm Petroleum Services Company W.L.L., Kuwait.
A brilliant blogger on Indian mutual funds, she has been publishing articles on Indian mutual funds on a weekly basis in since September, 2006. She also maintains a comprehensive website on mutual funds She addresses NRIs in Kuwait at seminars on topics related to finance and investments. She attempts to help the uninitiated investors to invest knowledgeably and profitably through this book.
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