~ Bhajan Samraat, Anup Jalota is set to perform his diverse collection of songs live, June 3, 9 am onwards~
Mumbai XX June 2017: Acclaimed singer and musician, Anup Jal ota, renowned for his renditio ns of Bhajans and devotional m usic, will be gracing the stag e at St Andrew on 3rd June 201 7 at 9 am. The Ghazal maestro will perform a collection of h is most popular Ghazals, Bhaja ns and retro film songs presen ted by Musikey, which will be live streamed on Hungama Music , Hungama Play , Musikey and T ata Sky Music.
Popularly known as the Bhajan Samraat - Anup Jalota has made an immense contribution to th e field of classical music alo ng with winning the prestigiou s Padma Shri Award for the sam e in 2012. A household name kn own for Ghazals and exceptiona lly popular amongst Bhajan dev otees, Anup Jalota has been wi nning hearts of music aficiona dos for decades now. Ensuring devotional and classical music enthusiasts an unforgettable experience, Hungama will be li ve streaming Anup Jalota’s pow erful and soulful performance across on-demand platforms – H ungama Music, Hungama Play and DTH service – Tata Sky Music. His devotional songs like Ais i Lagi Lagan, Rang De Chunariy a, and Ram Siya Ram among othe rs, leave the audience spellbo und with his melodious and harmonic vocals.
The versatile singer, Anup Jal ota expressed his thoughts on performing live saying, “I hav e performed live several times , but this is the first time m y performance will be live str eamed digitally. This is a won derful way for all my fans acr oss the globe to enjoy my perf ormance. With platforms like M usikey & Hungama, it is now ea sy to reach music lovers every where, and spread the devotion which makes up all my songs.”