28th November 2017
More Power to Textile Machinery Manufacturers at GTTES-2019
Government supported premium business event by India ITME Society
GTTES series organized by India ITME Society, an apex exhibition body has proved to be the most successful platform for new business, customers leads & best platform for Small & Medium Enterprises looking to access overseas markets and multinationals exploring new textiles hub & new markets.
GTTES-2015 was highly successful and acknowledged as next best business event after India ITME for Textile Engineering Industry. The best & biggest were there at GTTES-2015. It is now time to ensure your participation and gain access to all upcoming business opportunities & customer leads at 2nd edition of GTTES.
A win win for every participant GTTES-2019, shall open its online booking from 4th December 2017, 4.30 pm. onwards. Find out more information & eligibility for:
- Early bird discount
- Discount for Small & Medium Enterprises
Put your reminder for 4th December 2017, 4.30 pm. and inviting you to log on at http://ift.tt/2AiMxuW;toapply.
We at India ITME Society work for your growth & success. Look forward to your participation at GTTES-2019.