Cabinet - Cabinet approves the increase in the carpet area of houses eligible for interest subsidy under the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme for the Middle Income Group under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the increase in the carpet area of houses eligible for interest subsidy under the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) for the Middle Income Group (MIG) under Pradhan MantriAwasYojana (Urban).
To further enhance the scope, coverage and outreach of the Scheme, the Cabinet has approved the following:
i. increasing the carpet area in the MIG I category of CLSS from the existing 90 square metre to "up to 120 square metre" and increasing the carpet area in respect of MIG II category of CLSS from the existing 110 square metre to "up to 150 square metre"; and
ii. making the above change effective from 01.01.2017 i.e. the date the CLSS for MIG had become effective.
The CLSS for MIG is a pro-active step in meeting the challenges of urban housing shortage. It also is a pioneering step to enable the Middle Income Group to access the benefits of an interest subsidy scheme.
The CLSS for MIG covers two income segments in the MIG viz. Rs.6,00,001 to Rs.12,00,000 (MIG-I) and Rs.12,00,001 to Rs.18,00,000 (MIG-II) per annum. In
the MIG-1, an interest subsidy of 4% has been provided for loan amounts up to Rs.9 lakh while in MIG-2, an interest subsidy of 3% has been provided for loan amount of Rs.12 lakh. The interest subsidy will be calculated at 9% NPV over a maximum loan tenure of 20 years or the actual tenure, whichever is lesser. Housing loans above 9 lakh and 12 lakh will be at non-subsidized rates.
The CLSS for MIG is currently effective up to 31.03.2019.
· The limit of 120 sq m. and 150 sq m. is seen as a reasonable enhancement and would cater to the market generally scouted by the MIG belonging to the two income categories specified in the scheme.
· The increase in carpet area will enable the Ml category of individuals to have a wider choice in Developers' projects.
· The increased carpet area will also give a boost to the sale of ready built flats in the affordable housing segment.
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is implementing the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme for Middle Income Group (CLSS for MIG) under the Pradhan MantriAwasYojana (Urban) since 1.01.2017 pursuant to Hon'ble Prime Minister's address to the Nation on 31.12.2016 announcing increased benefits for poor people availing housing loans, and a new interest subsidy scheme for housing loans for the Middle Income Group (MIG).
Cabinet approves Resolution for adoption of the recommendations of the Railway Convention Committee (2014) as contained in their Sixth Report on "Rate of Dividend payable by the Railways to the General Revenues for the year 2016-17 and other ancillary matters"
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given its approval for the creation of the posts of Chairman and Technical Members of the National Anti-profiteering Authority (NAA) under GST, following up immediately on yesterday's sharp reduction in the GST rates of a large number of items of mass consumption.This paves the way for the immediate establishment of this apex body, which is mandated to ensure that the benefits of the reduction in GST rates on goods or services are passed on to the ultimate consumers by way of a reduction in prices.
The establishment of the NAA, to be headed by a senior officer of the level of Secretary to the Government of India with four Technical Members from the Centre and/or the States, is one more measure aimed at reassuring consumers that Government is fully committed to take all possible steps to ensure the benefits of implementation of GST in terms of lower prices of the goods and services reach them.
It may be recalled that effective from midnight of 14th November, 2017 the GST rate has been slashed from 28% to 18% on goods falling under 178 headings. There are now only 50 items which attract the GST rate of 28%. Likewise, a large number of items have witnessed a reduction in GST rates from 18% to 12% and so on and some goods have been completely exempt from GST.
The "anti-profiteering" measures enshrined in the GST law provide an institutional mechanism to ensure that the full benefits of input tax credits and reduced GST rates on supply of goods or services flow to the consumers. This institutional framework comprises the NAA, a Standing Committee, Screening Committees in every State and the Directorate General of Safeguards in the Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC).
Affected consumers who feel the benefit of commensurate reduction in prices is not being passed on when they purchase any goods or services may apply for relief to the Screening Committee in the particular State. However, in case the incident of profiteering relates to an item of mass impact with 'All India' ramification, the application may be directly made to the Standing Committee. After forming a prima facie view that there is an element of profiteering, the Standing Committee shall refer the matter for detailed investigation to the Director General of Safeguards, CBEC, which shall report its findings to the NAA.
In the event the NAA confirms there is a necessity to apply anti-profiteering measures, it has the authority to order the supplier / business concerned to reduce its prices or return the undue benefit availed by it along with interest to the recipient of the goods or services. If the undue benefit cannot be passed on to the recipient, it can be ordered to be deposited in the Consumer Welfare Fund. In extreme cases, the NAA can impose a penalty on the defaulting business entity and even order the cancellation of its registration under GST.
The constitution of the NAA shall bolster confidence of consumers as they reap the benefits of the recent reduction in GST rates, in particular, and of GST, in general.
Cabinet approves Resolution for adoption of the recommendations of the Railway Convention Committee (2014) as contained in their Sixth Report on "Rate of Dividend payable by the Railways to the General Revenues for the year 2016-17 and other ancillary matters"
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the proposal of Ministry of Railways to move a Resolution in both the Houses of Parliament adopting Railway Convention Committee (2014)'s recommendations that for the year 2016-17, purely as a one-time move, the Rate of Dividend payable by Railways to the General Revenues be waived off.  
Cabinet approves deputation of Group ‘A’ officers of Department .of Telecommunications (DoT) and other Ministries, with Telecommunication and Information Technology background, to Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (TCIL)
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given its approval for deputation of Group ‘A’ officers of Department .of Telecommunications (DoT) and other Ministries, with Telecommunication and Information Technology background, to Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (TCIL) as per the following details:
a) To allow Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL) to fill up such number of posts by deputation of Group 'A' officers of the Department of Telecommunications(DoT) and other Ministries, with Telecommunication and Information Technology background, for the intervening period i.e. from 01.10.2016 till the approval of this proposal (earlier Cabinet approval was valid up to 30.09.2016) and for a further period of three years from the date of approval, as per DPE guidelines subject to maximum of 10% of the total number .of below Board level posts, in Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL) with exemption from the rule of immediate absorption and
b) To allow that in future the issue of exemption of below Board Level Posts in Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL) may be dealt in terms of DPE OM No. 18(6)/2001-GM-GL-77 dated 28.12.2005 so that such proposal is not required to be brought before the Cabinet.
TCIL is a leading ISO-9001: 2008 and ISO:2008 and 14001:2004 certified, Schedule-A, Mini Ratna Category-l Public Sector Undertaking (PSU). TCIL, a premier telecommunications consultancy and engineering company, with a strong base in Telecommunications & Information Technology, was incorporated in 1978 by Government of India with following objectives :-
i. To provide world-class technology and Indian expertise globally in all fields of telecommunication,
ii. To sustain, expand and excel in its operation in overseas/ Indian markets by developing proper marketing strategies.
iii. To acquire State-of-the-Art technology on a continuing basis.
TCIL, a 100% owned Govt. of India Undertaking, has executed projects in more than 70 countries in the domain of Telecommunications and Information Technology. It provides consultancy and turnkey project execution service from concept to completion, in the field of telecommunications, IT and civil infrastructure. The authorized capital of the company as on 31st March 2017 is Rs. 60 crores, while the paid up capital is Rs. 59.20 crores.
TCIL is implementing the highly prestigious Pan-African e-Network in 48 countries which shall primarily provide Tele-education, Tele-Medicine and WIP connectivity to African Union member countries through optical fibre and satellite links since 2009. This project is a time bound project and involves comprehensive operation and maintenance till July 2021. In addition to the overseas projects, TCIL is executing a number of projects related to IT and Telecommunications at various places of India. The major projects under executions are procurement, supply, trenching, installation, testing and maintenance to facilitate exclusive optical NLD Backbone network for Defence and NFS Network for Indian Navy on turnkey basis, OPGW Project in J&K, DOP Rural ICT solution (RH) Project, Odisha (ICT) projects in 500 schools & 1500 schools, U.P., web based services across various states of India. Supplying of hardware and software to BBNL for project management works of NOFN project, etc.
For execution of ongoing overseas/ inland projects besides expected projects in pipeline, TCIL requires experienced and talented senior officers of telecom and IT background as per the requirement of the projects handled by it, from time to time. By taking expert manpower on deputation, TCIL can remain competitive in national and international market as it is difficult for TCIL to get such manpower from the open market at the economical rates as compared to deputationist and that too at a short notice. Moreover, in case TCIL engage manpower from open market, it becomes a permanent liability on TCIL as against the deputationists, who remain with TCIL only for the project period for which their services are required.
Accordingly, the Cabinet has allowed TCIL to fill up posts on deputation from Group 'A' officers of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and other Ministries, with Telecommunication and information Technology background for the intervening period i.e. from 01.10.2016 till the approval of this proposal (earlier Cabinet approval was valid up to 30.09.2016) and for a further period of three years from the date of approval as per DPE guidelines subject to maximum of 10% of the total number of below Board level posts in TCIL Cabinet has further allowed that in future the issue of exemption of below Board Level Posts in Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL) may be dealt in terms of DPE OM No. 18(6)72001-GM-GL-77 dated
Cabinet approves agreement between India and Belarus on Scientific and Technological Cooperation for mutual benefit in the areas of science, technology, agriculture, etc.
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been apprised of the Agreement between the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB) on Scientific and Technological Cooperation for mutual benefit in the areas of science, technology, agriculture, etc.
The Agreement was exchanged on 12th September, 2017 at New Delhi during the visit of Belarus President H.E. Mr. Alexander Lukashenko.
The Agreement is aimed at identifying, assessing, developing and commercializing globally competitive technologies from India and Belarus. It will support institutions in both countries by way of research, technology transfers, exchange of visits and joint workshops leading to scientific and economic benefit. 
Cabinet approves MoU between India and Poland for the promotion of Civil Aviation Cooperation
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given its approval for signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Poland for the Promotion of Civil Aviation Cooperation. The MoU will be signed on behalf of the two countries after its approval by the two Governments. The MoU would be for a term of five years.
The objective of the MoU is to recognize the mutual benefit of Cooperation in the field of Civil Aviation having particular significance in establishing and improving Regional Air Connectivity in India. Apart from this both sides will recognize the mutual benefits of environmental testing or approvals, flight simulators monitoring and approvals, aircraft maintenance facilities approvals, maintenance personnel approvals and aircrew members approvals.
The main areas of this Memorandum of Understanding to promote ad facilitate mutual cooperation are as under:
a. Support in the civil aviation market by reviewing any legal and procedural issues which may adversely affect cooperation between India and Poland.
b. Exchange of information and expertise between the Ministries and respective Civil Aviation Authorities related to aviation regulations, regional air operations, airworthiness requirements and safety standards to enhance safety and security of air transport; and / or
c. Collaboration on or joint development, organization and/or conduct of training programmes on aviation safely, on topics such as safety oversight, airworthiness, flight operations, licensing, legislation and enforcement; and / or
d. Aviation associated consultations, joint organization and/or conduct of conferences and professional seminars, workshops, talks and other such activities on aviation safety with the participation of representatives from the Parties related to the field of civil aviation; and / or
e. Regular dialogue or meetings for exchange of information; knowledge, expertise and experiences between Ministries and respective Civil Aviation safety related development of mutual interest to the parties;
f. Collaboration on research and studies on aviation safety interest topics and issues of mutual interest.
g. Any other issues related to co-operation in the areas mentioned above.
Boost to infrastructure facilities for judiciary
Cabinet approves continuation of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme to improve judiciary infrastructure
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved continuation of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for Development of Infrastructure Facilities for Judiciary beyond 12th Five Year Plan i.e. from 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2020 to be implemented in a Mission Mode through National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms with an estimated outlay of Rs.3,320 crore.
The Cabinet also approved setting up of an on-line monitoring system with geo-tagging by the Department of Justice enabling data collection on progress, completion of court halls and residential units under construction, including for future projects as well as better asset management and formulation of norms and specification of court halls and residential units to be constructed under Scheme for implementation throughout the country for future.
Benefits from the Scheme:
The Scheme will increase the availability of suitable number of Court Halls and Residential Accommodations for Judges / Judicial Officers of District and Subordinate Courts all over the country including at District, Sub-District, Taluka, Tehsil and Gram Panchayat and Village levels. This will help in improving the functioning and performance of the Judiciary across the country in reaching out to every citizen.
Financial assistance:
The central assistance is provided to the State Governments / UT Administrations under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for development of Infrastructure Facilities for Judiciary for construction of court halls and residential units for Judicial Officers / Judges of District and Subordinate Courts. The funds sharing pattern for Centre and State is 60:40 in respect of States other than North Eastern and Himalayan States. The funds sharing pattern is 90:10 in respect of North Eastern and Himalayan States; and 100% in respect of Union Territories. This will help for completion of on-going projects for construction of 3,000 court halls and 1,800 residential units for judicial officers of District and Subordinate Courts.
Monitoring of the Scheme
An on-line monitoring system will be set up by the Department of Justice enabling data collection on progress, completion of court halls and residential units under construction as well as better asset management.
Regular meetings of the Monitoring Committee may be organised in various States with State Chief Secretaries and PWD officials to enable speedy and good construction. It may also be monitored if the funds released by the Centre are released without delay onward to PWD by the State Governments.
Central Government augments the resources of the States in this regard through the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for development of infrastructure facilities for Judiciary which is being implemented since 1993-94. The central assistance is provided to the State Governments / UT Administrations under the Scheme for construction of court halls and residential units for Judicial Officers / Judges of District and Subordinate Courts.
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA)
Cabinet approves Continuation of sub-schemes under Umbrella Scheme “Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)” for the period till November, 2018
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for continuation of Anganwadi Services, Scheme for Adolescent Girls, Child Protection Services and National Crèche Scheme  from 1.4.2017 to 30.11.2018 with an outlay of over Rs.41,000 crore. These are the sub-schemes under Umbrella Scheme “Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)”
·         The approved Schemes include:
                     i.          Anganwadi Services
                     ii.         Scheme for Adolescent Girls
                     iii.        Child Protection Services
                     iv.        National Crèche Scheme
·         The Cabinet has also approved:
                                                i.                   implementation of Scheme for Adolescent Girls for out of school girls in the age group of 11-14 years, its phased expansion
                                              ii.                   phasing out of the on–going Kishori Shakti Yojana for out of school girls in the age group of 11-14 years.
·         The decision also provides for conversion of National Crèche Scheme from Central Sector to Centrally Sponsored Scheme with the revised cost sharing between Centre and States as 60:40 for all States and UTs with legislature, 90:10 for NER and Himalayan States and 100% for UTs without legislature and implementation of the Scheme through States/UTs instead of existing implementation agencies.
The sub-schemes listed above are not new schemes but are continuing from the XII Five Year Plan. The programme through targeted interventions will strive to reduce the level of malnutrition, anaemia and low birth weight babies, ensure empowerment of adolescent girls, provide protection to the children who are in conflict with law, provide safe place for day-care to the children of working mothers, create synergy, ensure better monitoring, issue negative alerts for timely action, encourage States/UTs to perform, guide and supervise the line Ministries and States/UTs to achieve the targeted goals and bring more transparency.
More than 11 crore children, pregnant women & Lactating Mothers and the Adolescent Girls will be benefited through this scheme.
Financial Outlay:
The details of expenditure for the period from 01.04.2017 to 30.11.2018 for various sub-schemes are as follows:
(Rupees in crore)
Name of   the sub-scheme
Amount approved

Anganwadi Services
National Nutrition Mission (proposed) 
Scheme   for Adolescent Girls                                       
Child   Protection Services                                                 
National Crèche Scheme                                                

Implementation Strategy and Targets:
Anganwadi Services (ICDS) and Child Protection Services are already in operation in the entire country. The Scheme for Adolescent Girls will be expanded in a phased manner. National Creche Scheme will continue to be implemented in 23,555 creches.  Approval for National Nutrition Mission shall be obtained separately.
States/districts covered:
Anganwadi Services (ICDS) and Child Protection Services are already in operation in the entire country. National Nutrition Mission will be rolled out in a phased manner. Similarly, Scheme for Adolescent Girls will be expanded in a phased manner. 
The ongoing schemes have been rationalized by the Government in financial year 2016-17 and have been brought under Umbrella ICDS as its sub-schemes. These sub-schemes need to be continued for delivering the child related services to the intended beneficiaries. The aims of these schemes are as under:
a.     Anganwadi Services (ICDS) aims at holistic development of children under the age of six years and its beneficiaries are children of this age group and Pregnant Women & Lactating Mothers.
b.      The objective of the Scheme for Adolescent Girls is to facilitate, educate and empower Adolescent Girls so as to enable them to become self-reliant and aware citizens through improved nutrition and health status, promoting awareness about health, hygiene, nutrition, mainstreaming out of school AGs into formal/non formal education and providing information/guidance about existing public services.
c.         The objectives of Child Protection Services are to provide safe and secure environment for children in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection, reduce vulnerabilities through a wide range of social protection measures, prevent actions that lead to abuse, neglect, exploitation, abandonment and separation of children from families etc., bring focus on non-institutional care, develop a platform for partnership between Government & Civil Society and establish convergence of child related social protection services.
d.      National Creche Scheme aims at providing a safe place for mothers to leave their children while they are at work, and thus, is a measure for empowering women as it enables them to take up employment. At the same time, it is also an intervention towards protection and development of children in the age group of 6 months to 6 years.

Cabinet allows export of all varieties of pulses
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for removal of prohibition on export of all types of pulses to ensure that farmers have greater choice in marketing their produce and in getting better remuneration for their produce.
The CCEA also empowered the Committee chaired by Secretary, Department of Food & Public Distribution (DFPD) and comprising Secretaries of Department of Commerce (DoC), Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW), Department of Revenue (DoR), Department of Consumer Affairs (DoCA) and Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) to review the export/import policy on pulses and consider measures such as quantitative restrictions, prior registration and changes in import duties depending on domestic production and demand, domestic and international prices and international trade volumes.
Opening of export of all types of pulses will help the farmer to dispose off their products at remunerative prices and also encourage them to expand the area of sowing. Export of pulses would provide an alternative market for the surplus production of pulses. Allowing export of pulses will also help the country and its exporters to regain their markets.
It is expected that pulses production will be sustained in the country and our import dependence on pulses will come down substantially. This is also likely to provide higher levels of protein to the population and work towards nutritional security. The integration with global supply chain is also likely to help our farmers in adopting good agricultural practices and better productivity.
In 2016-17 production year, the Indian farmers have lived up to the challenge of reducing India's import dependence on pulses and have produced 23 million tons of pulses. The Government has taken a number of steps to sustain the high pulses production by our farmers. The Government has procured 20 lakh tons of pulses by ensuring minimum support price or market rates, whichever is higher, directly from the farmers and this has been the highest ever procurement of pulses.
The production of pulses in 2016-17 has been very encouraging and is the highest ever till date. Government has supported the farmers by providing attractive Minimum Support Price (MSP) for the pulses and public procurement of pulses to the tune of 20 lakh tonnes. The domestic production of pulses during 2016-17 was 22.95 million tonnes. The Chana Dal (Gram) production was 9.33 million tonnes as compared to 7.06 million tonnes in 2015-16 showing a growth of 32%. The production of other rabi pulses (includes Masoor Dal (Lentil) etc.) for 2016-17 was 3.02 million tonnes as compared to 2.47 million tonnes in 2015-16 showing a growth of 22%. For the year 2017-18, the Government has fixed a target of 22.90 million tonnes of pulses production.

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