"Children's Day" - 14th November : "Khilauna" (Toy) - Internationally acclaimed short film will be released...

About the Film: Khilauna
Khilauna (Toy) are our first playmates after we are born & they often play a significant role in formulating a happy & en engaging childhood for us. They play such a crucial role in shaping us up in our phase of growing up as a toddler to a slightly grown up one. In this film these toys allow Raju ( the protagonist ) to build an imaginary world, which is far away from his childhood ridden with poverty, The Toys here becomes the core essence of his life and makes him build an imaginary world away from his daily misery. However, the film shows that how these very toys though brings solace to Raju, it also creates a cause of a series of contradicting emotions between him and his poor mother, Sarita. The story revolves around the relationship of the mother and son with each other and their individual relationship with these toys.
The film also shows the perception the rich and the poor children have towards their toys. It also displays on how for one if it’s a sheer abode of happiness & engagement , joy and a better tomorrow , whereas for another it’s just a boring alternative or a commodity to kill time and dispose away the same old toys that he plays with a new toy, which his parents bring him daily. It’s this interesting contrast the toys have on the impressionable mind of children from both strata of the society that makes this film an interesting watch
Film Link :
Password : toy2016
About Rajat Agrawal ( The Film Maker )
Born in 1994, Rajat Agrawal is a young film maker from Mumbai. Having an aspiration to direct films from the age of 15, he has continuously nurtured himself to achieve this goal gradually. Post his graduation in Management Studies he pursued filmmaking and completed the course from New York Film Academy (NYFA), Los Angeles and Institute of Moving Images, Bandra. He also completed a workshop on creative writing from Oxford Royale Academy, Oxford, U.K. This helped him create a technical foundation for his creativity and honed his skills further.
1. In 2014, he was selected as an “Assistant Director” by Rajshri Productions to assist Sooraj Barjatya in the Blockbuster “Prem Ratan Dhan Payo”. He handled many responsibilities in it like assisting in shooting “ Behind the scenes” . He also was responsible for overseeing  Production Design of “Art Props” to be in sync with the director’s vision. One of his most important responsibility in this film was to be a part of the core team to supervise the post production of the film. Ranging from overseeing the technical aspects & give creative inputs to the VFX, DI & the Cinematographers team, He also was instrumental in the first cut of the film’s trailer   
2. After having completed PRDP in 2015, he started working on various scripts for short films as well as feature films and finally decided on making his first internationally critically appreciated short film, titled “Katputli” on women empowerment .
Various Film Festivals in which Katputli has been selected and screened are :
Ø  Official selection at New York International Film Festival
Ø  Official selection in “Court Metrage - Short film” corner Festival De Cannes 2016
Ø  Official selection at Josiah Media Festival 2016
Ø  Official selection at 6th Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival 2016
Ø  Official selection in Festival de cortos Jose Franciso Rosado. Pacas.4.0
Ø  Official Selection at Indian Film Festival - The Hague 2016
Ø  Official selection at BIDEODROMO International Experimental Film and Video Festival 2016
Ø  Official selection Equality Festival in KYIV official selection 2016
With the confidence gained after his first solo short film, he has now made an attempt at taking his storytelling to the next level with a more dynamic short film, titled “Khilauna”

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