GAIL (India) Limited entrusts children to lead the drive against air pollution as part of the ‘Hawa Badlo Campaign’

We are pleased to inform you that Hawa Badlo, supported by GAIL (India) has launched a campaign ‘Grey Day At School’.
Please find enclosed the press release along with video link and high res images of the campaign.
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·       Aimed at motivating students to sign up as Hawa Badlo School Warriors
New Delhi, November 17th, 2017: GAIL (India) Limited released a video titled ‘A Grey Day at School’ as part of Hawa Badlo campaign committing to improve the air quality by joined societal efforts, and urge people to sign up as Hawa Badlo warriors. The video narrative revolves around a school Principal’s dream of how air pollution is impacting the lives of children.
The video opens with a 10 year old school girl busy completing her illustration when she realizes that she has run out of black colour. Using a cotton which was placed in the class room window to prevent thick smog like substance from coming inside, she finishes her sketch. The Principal looks and smiles at the girl as he moves on to the next classroom, where he comes across an ongoing smog drill. Deeply concerned about the situation, he further moves ahead and notices useful information being displayed on COAL vs NATGAS. He overhears a teacher teaching students about the animals who have become extinct. And, suddenly with a knock on the door, he wakes up from this dreadful dream and makes his way to address students on the Environment Day.
Sharing the thought behind the campaign, Mr. Gajendra Singh, Director (Marketing), GAIL (India) Limited, added, “As per a UNICEF 2016 report, almost 300 million children around the world are exposed to toxic levels of outdoor air pollution. Children are more vulnerable than adults to air pollution, as they breathe twice as quickly & their respiratory tract more permeable. Considering the growing environmental concerns worldwide, we decided to do something that will help us sensitise people on a large scale.”
Protiqe MojoomdarCreative Producer, Handyyman who supervised the creatives of the campaign said, “It’s our second campaign for GAIL India Ltd. and their sensitive initiative ‘Hawa Badlo’, after the anthem video and campaign with Javed Ali and Harshdeep Kaur. This film is designed as a sharp reminder, call it a jolt, to civilisation that is taking its toll on the environment, and in turn our forthcoming generations. As the smog surrounds us, can we see far enough into the future? How long will we last on this planet? What will life be like inside and outside schools? What is that one nightmare that will wake us up from our slumber? These are questions that this film asks of our parents and authorities. This campaign is to motivate them and the children to look for answers desperately”.
Creative Agency: Handyyman
Creative Producer: Protiqe Mojoomdar
Director: Sushant Shukla
The video aims to create awareness about the consequences of environmental contamination caused by human activity and motivate people to inculcate air-friendly habits such as switching to CNG/electric vehicles, carpooling, and use of public transport. As individuals, there are multiple things one can do to save our planet, our environment and, indeed ourselves.
About Hawa Badlo
HawaBadlo campaign is in line with GAIL’s commitment to improve the air quality with collective societal effort under Hawa Badlo - Swachh Air Mission initiative. This campaign seeks to unify people who believe in the cause and urges them to sign up as HawaBadlo warriors to physically execute initiatives and take steps towards positive change.
As a part of our Swachh Air Mission, we at GAIL have been consistently advocating taking positive steps towards fighting air pollution and taking necessary actions to improve the air quality. Through the campaign we are looking to inspire people to join the movement and do their bit towards combating air pollution, resulting in collective action aiming at bringing about significant tangible change. These Hawa Badlo warriors would spearhead this change and encourage more and more people to make this movement a sustainable one.

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