ILGRadio B17 database now available since October 30th

The new files of ILGRadio for the Winter 2017/18 season are now available as of October 31st and again with a lot of changes. All broadcasting data are effective from October 29th CURRENT:

- all new Winter 2017/18 broadcasting schedules with all details
- latest UTILITY entries as of today
- first monitoring infos after October 29th included in YEAR field

next update available on November 5th when in North-America the Daylight Saving Time is ending on November 4th 

A further version is now in preparation and gives a different layout (e.g. wider data fields) and extended Longitude and Latitude data, frequencies with 2 digits and the power with 3 digits behind comma...
Most broadcasting stations will be confirmed to be on air by bandscans as you can follow in the data field YEAR (ilgsdata / ilgbdata / ilgydata). Monitored broadcasts of October are listed with the "1710" bookmark and monitored entries of November 2017 will be listed with "1711".
Further updates will follow based on much more monitoring/band-scans.
CSV Files:

Userfiles for PERSEUS are now with more than 29000 entries but only one file can be used. The used file must be named "userlist1.txt because if you use "userlist2.txt or both userlist files the PERSEUS software cannot be started !

LINK to the web pages:

The is an data extract as an sample on the web page, but this is completely outdated. If I will have time I will upload new samples at the end of November.

These ILGRadio Databases are provided to promote and advance the hobby of Short Wave Radio Listening and Monitoring with accurate details of stations broadcasting between 2 to 30 MHz. ILGRadio is available for a very small amount of money as a recognition for all the work for investigation and trouble. 

That's why there is the wish that your access data were NOT given to other persons, who paid for nothing. Please accept this. If you would use ILGRadio for your professional job, please pay the higher price or more.
Many thanks!

For any questions, suggestions, infos or problems please write.
There is also no problem to add new data file structures to operate further SDR receivers or special software

Bernd Friedewald (DK9FI)

PS: ILGRadio is based on professional ILG Database data ( and daily worldwide bandscans will be made between 4 and 16 hours daily
This is the International Listening Guide
The real and original = the second to none short wave database of the world incl. stations between 2-30 MHz We are promoting short wave listening our web pages
ILG Software  &  BFM Internet-Vertriebs GmbH
P.O. Box 11 12,     D-34567 Homberg,   Germany
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